Dress To Impress
Intro to Hygiene
Office/Work Items

This is the rules that tell an employee what they can and cannot wear to work. 

What is a Dress Code?


This type of hygiene involves your head, or at least what's on top. No matter if its short or long, you can always practice this hygiene. 

What is Hair Hygiene?


This item could get you into the building or just to let someone who works there know that you work there as well.

What is a Badge (ID Badge).

Men primarily wear this when they really want to dress to impress. Usually consisting of a tie, a button collard shirt, dress slacks and special jacket, this is worn for very important meetings or to show off.

What is a Suit?


This category of hygiene includes taking a shower, wearing deodorant, and maybe includes a little cologne as well!

What is Body Hygiene? 


When the clock strikes 12, you are going to want to make sure you have this item. 

What is a lunch?


These are a type of pants that are called by their color name. These pants are also the pant choice of Yale!

What are Khaki Pants?


This hygiene has a specific name, and ill give you a hint it involves the body parts behind your lips! You use them to eat and you have to keep them nice and white!

What is Dental Hygiene?


You'll need this item if you want to put sheets of paper into a binder, especially if it can be useful later. 

What is a 3 Hole Punch?


This keeps your pants from falling down and ending up around your ankles. I come in a variety of colors and designs, but i'm made to go all around your waist no matter what!

What is a Belt?


This is what you do to keep your face clean or just to get rid of unwanted hair in different areas around your body. 

What is Shaving? 


You use this to make copies or to get copies of assignments or back in the day a copy of directions.

What is a Printer?


This clothing comes in all different types of colors and styles and is preferably the choice of wear by women during the summer time. 

What is a dress?


This hygiene name involves the floor, or at least the body part close to it. This could hygiene could include proper footwear or making sure the nails are clipped. 

What is foot hygiene?


This is a personal computer that can easily be taken with you around campus. They have been the computer of choice thanks to how easy it is to use!

What is a Chromebook?
