This is a collection of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that shape the work environment
What is work culture?
The minimum number of paid vacation days legally required in the UK
What is 28 days?
In the USA, workers often network and do this to showcase their achievements
What is self-promotion?
In the USA, job promotions depend on this, rather than just tenure
What is performance and achievements?
The average US salary in 2021
What is $58,260?
A strong work culture increases this, while a poor one causes burnout
What is motivation?
The number of weeks of unpaid parental leave in the USA
What is 12 weeks?
UK employees prefer feedback to be this rather than brutally honest
What is polite and indirect?
In the UK, career advancement is often based on this instead of just personal performance
What is teamwork and collective achievements?
The average UK salary in 2021
What is $38,291?
In the USA, employees are often judged based on this rather than teamwork
What is individual performance?
The standard maximum working week in the UK (unless you love overtime)
What is 48 hours?
The universal symbol of pretending to pay attention in a meeting
What is aggressive nodding?
High employee turnover in the USA is often caused by this
What is frequent job changes?
This major expense offsets high salaries in the USA
What is healthcare?
The UK focuses on well-being, while the USA focuses on this.
What is performance and results?
In the USA, many workers don’t take time off because they fear this.
What is getting fired?
UK office culture values respect, while the USA values this
What is direct communication?
The reason UK workers are quitting less frequently these days
What is economic uncertainty?
UK workers have lower salaries but save money due to this
What is public services?
The biggest workplace fear in both countries: being called in for one of these
What is a meeting?
The real reason UK employees love their 20-minute rest breaks every six hours
What is an excuse to complain about work?
The main reason UK employees have fewer meetings than Americans
What is they prefer efficient use of time?
In both countries, this is the safest way to keep your job
What is looking busy?
The #1 best financial strategy for both US and UK workers
What is winning the lottery?