
What should you do if you know you are going to be late for work?

Call in and let the boss know as soon as possible.


True or false. You have to be nice to rude people at work.

True. Even if someone is rude to you at work, you have to be nice back.


Which is NOT an example of productivity

a. Splitting up work between coworkers so that the job gets finished quicker 

b. taking a break at the shredder to text your friend c. preheating the oven while you gather your ingredients

b. Texting at work is NOT productive


How can you show respect to your teachers every morning when you walk in the door?

Smile and say good morning, ask them how they're doing.


You work at Target. Your friend asks you to steal a shirt for her while no one is looking. What would you do?

Say no. Tell them you do not want to be friends with them anymore.


What can happen if you are scheduled to work and you decide not to show up?

You could get written up, your boss could give you less hours, or you could get fired.


Your boss asks you to unclog the toilet at work. You think that's disgusting. What should you say to her?

Ok, I will do it.


Does your boss want someone who: 

a. works quickly but makes a lot of mistakes 

b. works at a fast pace, double checks their work, and then asks their boss what they would like them to do next 

c. works slowly but doesn't make any mistakes



How can you show respect to your classmates every day at school.

Ask them how they're doing, help them with things, be polite, etc.


You work at Publix and you see an elderly woman struggling to reach something on the top shelf. What should you do?

Offer to help her.


You have a last-minute emergency and ask your coworker to cover your shift. She agrees to do it. The next week, she needs her shift covered. Should you cover her shift for her?

Yes. When someone does something nice for you, you should do something nice back.


You accidentally broke a plate at work. 

a Is this a big problem or a little problem? 

b. How would you solve this problem?

a. Little problem

b. Clean up the mess, let the boss know, and apologize.


What happens when you rush through your work?

You make mistakes.


What would you do if you messed up at work and your boss corrected you?

Say "yes sir" or yes ma'am" and correct the problem.


Your friends are making fun of someone at lunch. What should you do?

Ask them to stop. Find new people to have lunch with.

Your coworker is running late to work. He texts you and asks you to clock in for him. Should you?

No. Clocking in while you're not working is just like stealing money from the company.


You always have to work with this one coworker that really annoys you. What should you do?

Ignore them and try to get over it. Everyone has to work with people that they do not like.


What does it mean to "take initiative"?

To do something without being asked


How can you show respect to someone that you are meeting for the first time?

Introduce yourself with a handshake and eye contact.


One of your classmates annoys you. What should you do?

Be nice to them anyways. Just try to avoid them.


Pretend your teacher is your boss, and you are calling in to tell her you will be late to work because your mom's car broke down. You know that your aunt will be able to come and get you to work in about 30 minutes.

Hi, Ms. ______, this is __________. My mom's car broke down. My aunt will be her to pick me up soon. I will be there in about 30 minutes. I am so sorry for the inconvenience. 


A customer starts yelling at you. What should you do?

Calmly tell them that you will get your manager who can help them.


Your boss tells you to do the dishes, but when you get to the sink you notice that you are all out of soap. What should you do?

Ask a coworker or boss where you can find more soap.


What is a CONSEQUENCE of yelling at a co-worker

Fired, lose the respect of your boss, get less hours at work, etc.


A new girl just started at work. She doesn't know anyone and you see her sitting alone at lunch.What do you do?

Introduce yourself to her and sit with her.
