True or False
Sports and Leisure
Movie Quotes

Two 12 inch pizzas have more pizza than one 17 inch pizza.

What is False? 

*Two inch pizzas are one square inch smaller than a 17 inch pizza.


A leisure activity that includes cups and socialization.

What is Flip Cup?


This will make a customer ineligible for ELT online payments.

What is nine NSF's?

*If a customers bank account acquires nine NSF's, the customer is required to mail in twelve consecutive successful payment checks to regain eligibility.


"The color of the pen... that I hold in my hand... is R-R-R-R-R-R-R-ROYAL BLUE!"

What is Liar Liar?


These individuals are authorized individuals who can speak on the account.

Who is?



*Customer's attourney, POA, EOE


General Motors bought AmeriCredit October 1, 2010.

What is True? 

*GM acquired AmeriCredit so they could have a financial arm to replace the loss of GMAC, which was sold in 2006, also now known as Ally Financial.


This is the amount of bases on a baseball field.

What are 4 bases?


_____ amount of payment options are available to GM Financial customers.

What is 10 payment options?

*Auto Debit.

*Bill Pay (ORCC). 

*Mailed Payments. 

*Military Allotment. 

*Mobile App Payments. 

*Consumer/ Commercial MyAccount Web Payments. 

*ACI Pay - IVR Payments, Phone Payments.

*MoneyGram Payments, Western Union Payments. 


"So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're going to have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, every day. You and me...every day."

What is The Notebook?


An order or request to halt an activity and not to take it up again later. GM Financial customers may request this for any phone number on file. Effective listening and questioning skills should be used to determine the best decision accomadate the customer's request.

What is Cease and Decist?

*Communication must cease to a customer and all third parties on an account when GM Financial is advised that the customer is represented by an attorney, and has knowledge of, or can readily obtain, the attorney's name and address or phone number. This is a compliance requirement and must be documented.


The population of California is larger than the entire population in Canada.

What is True?

*California has an estimated population of 39.25 million people while Canada has a population of about 37.59 million people.


This is the best award a college football player can achieve.

What is the Heisman Trophy?


3 ways you can verifiy a pending payment.

What are ?

*Checking ACI. 

* Checking notes in DM.

*Clicking on the WU Icon on the right side of DM?


"You're a fake and a phony and I wish I never laid eyes on you!"

What is Grease?


To be eligible for SCRA benefits, the servicemember must be called to an active state or federal military service (also known as "active duty") with one of the following eligible branches and contract origination date.

What is?

*Air Force


Coast Guard

Commissioned Officers of the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration

Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service

Marine Corps

Members of a Reserved Component (when called to active duty)

National Guard (when called to active federal or State military service)


Space Force

United States citizens serving with forces of a nation with which the United States is allied

*The contract origination date must be before the servicemember entered military service (for interest rate reduction and repossession protection) OR before the servicemember was called to active duty (for lease early termination). 


KEYS is a financial resouce designed to help you understand the in's and out's of purchasing your own home.

What is False?

*KEYS was designed to help you understand personal credit, auto-financing and leasing while empowering you to make smarter descisions. 


This sports top achievement is The Triple Crown. 

What is Horse Racing? 


The following is included in the ACI checklist for a "Saved Card Payment".

What is?

*Ask the caller for the payment amount and date.

*Advise of late fees on the account (if applicable).

*Advise of transaction fee (if applicable) that appears in the Fee Amount field, and advise the fee is charged by our 3rd party vendor, ACI. 

*Advise of transaction details- The payment cannot be changed or modified once it has been authorized, the payment will be withdrawn in one transaction, and that funds must be available for immediate withdrawal.

*Ask and Confirm the last 4 digits of bank account number OR Nickname.

*Ask for the card brand and confirm it matches the information in the Card Brand field.

*Ask how the caller's name appears on the card confirming it matches the name displayed in the Name on Card field (caller must be the person on the card to be authorized).

*Ask for the caller's mailing address and confirm it matches the information in the Mailing Address fields or update the information to match.

*Advise confirmation letter will be mailed and offer to email a confirmation letter; provide the GM Financial Toll Free number and confirmation number.


"When we attack today, our arrows will blot out the sun!"

What is 300?


This customer calls in, in a much better mood than when she called previously, joking around about "long hold times" and "finding good help these days". She has yet to make her first payment and is asking for a DDC because the dealer didn't put what she requested on the original contract. After verifying the customer, you find, through small talk, you both went to high school a town away from eachother, growing up. The following is how you handle the account.

What is?

*Express empathize for the customer's previous interactions with our customer experience agents and the dealerships mishap. 

*Process the DDC per the customer's request advising of and documenting that you advised of and the customer agreed to the DDC stipulations.

*Document in DM and submit into a complaint, the customers dis-satisfaction of previous hold times and dealerships mishap.

**Congratulate her on her new vehicle and welcome her to the GMF family.

**Create a W&D from the personal interest during the interaction.


Dinosaurs are the biggest animals to ever live.

What is False? 

*It's the blue whale.


This Women's National Team won the Gold in Women's Soccer at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Who is USA?


ACI SpeedPay Fee Structure.

What is ?                                                         Phone Payment (Agent Generated)                    *Phone Payment (ACH/Card) $3.50

IVR Payment                                                      *ACH & ATM/Debit $2.50;                                      "Pure" Credit Card  $10.00

Online Payment                                               *ACH- One-Time & Recurring: No fee                       ATM/Debit - One-Time $3.50


"Where are you gonna go? What are you gonna do? There's no one... like you... left!"

What is Invasion of the Body Snatchers?


The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) governs legal protections for members of the United States military. Under the provisions of SCRA, qualified active duty military personnel are entitled to these benefits.

What is?

*Temporary reduction of APR to 6%.

*Protection from reposession.

*Early lease termination.

*Exempt from late charges and extension fees.
