Who says pomp pomp pomp pomp whenever there is exciting news?
What is sold at the Meli Melo?
Anything and everything
Who is our only expat on the team?
How many families did we just graduate in Menelas?
14 families
Where was the location of the first Great American Water Balloon Fight?
Point Park
Who is our youngest team member?
Name one food commonly eaten in both Haiti and Ghana?
Cassava or Plantain
What was our name when we first started as an organization?
Team Tassy
What is the most common businesses supported by our SBP?
What game have we historically played at our Gala?
Black Jack
Who is a secret Jonas Brothers fan on our team?
Where in our supply chains do we have the most elderly collectors?
What is our advisory practice called?
Who was our first LS instructor?
Which of our supporters had the Haitian map tattoed on their calf after their Run Across Haiti?
Who starts likes to start off their explanations with "okay.." in our meetings?
What is the largest landfill in our supply chains?
Who designed our Run Across Haiti flag?
Grace Lee
Name all three of our family graduates who currently work with us?
Marc Noel, Louinel, & Ms. Nicole
Which supporter has made the most trips to Haiti with WORK?
Sean or Matt Mauclair