He / she works with children.
He / she uses the whiteboard and books.
a teacher
the money paid every month
a salary
a job that pays good money
a well-paid job
the list of your skills and work experience > give the full name
curriculum vitae (CV)/ resume
What jobs entail working shifts?
e.g. factory worker / police officer/ nurse
the person who gives employment
the person who has no job
He / she works in a shop
a shop / sales assistant
the money paid hourly or weekly
a job in which you do the same thing every day
a repetitive job
you fill it in when you want to apply for a job
an application form
What jobs may involve receiving tips?
e.g. waiter / taxi driver / delivery person
the person who is employed
you go through them when you are looking for a job
job offers / job advertisements
He / she treats people who are sick in a medical centre
a doctor/gp/nurse
the money you get when you stop working
a pension
a job that is only for a certain period of time
a temporary job
you write it when you want to apply for a job, explaining why you should get it
a letter of application
What jobs allow flexi-time?
e.g. graphic designer / accountant / sales rep
your colleague, the person you work with
when you stop working for some time in order to get sth
go on strike
He / she starts the work at the airport, yet they don't fly the plane
a flight attendant
a sum of money paid regularly to a person to meet needs or expenses, e.g. for holidays
the kind of job that gives you a lot of satisfaction
a rewarding job
the meeting you attend in order to get a job
a job interview
What jobs may be part of a trade union?
e.g. teachers / shipyard workers / prison guards
the person who is in charge of the sales dept
sales executive
three names for losing a job (not resigning)
be laid off / be fired / be sacked
This person sells things and usually works on the commission
a sales rep / representative
the extra benefits you have from your work
boring or unpleasant work that does not require special skill and usually does not pay much money
a menial job
you submit these as recommendations from your previous employers
What jobs have employees working on commission?
e.g. sales rep / estate agent / insurance broker
someone who does particular pieces of work for different organizations, rather than working all the time for a single organization
a freelancer
you are on it when you get money when you don't have a job
be on unemploymeny