What inspired you to choose your current job?
Relationship between job choice and job satisfaction. "People who engaged in a careful and deliberate search and choice process were more satisfied than people who used a more haphazard or intuitive approach" (Crossley & Highhouse, 2005).
What is an activity that you have always wanted to try?
"Leisure provides a context with relative freedom wherein emerging adults explore new experiences and access opportunities not always available in more constrained environments like work and school . . . Access to both novel and familiar leisure provide a context for emerging adults to actively direct their identity development through decisions made in leisure time" (Layland et al., 2017).
How many hours do you sleep at night? vs. How long would you like to sleep at night?
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), healthy adults should get 7–9 hours of sleep per night.
How do you cope with stressful situations at work?
Examples: Journaling, Relaxation techniques (Deep Breathing, Mindfulness), Fitting time in for non-work activities.
What are some activities you like to do on your free time? How long do you engage in these activities?
Occupational Balance: "A balanced life means making the time to do the things you want to do and balancing it with the things you must do for your health and emotional well-being" (AOTA, n.d.)
Schedule leisure as part of the to do list! Prevent burnout by participating in activities that bring you joy.
Do you take naps during the day? If so, when do you take the naps and for how long?
Benefits of Napping: Improved memory, attitude, alertness, and creative mindset.
How to get the best nap? 20-30 minutes in the mid-afternoon (3pm). Cool, quiet place (car works!)
How often are your breaks at work? What do you usually do during those breaks?
Do your leisure activities impact your quality of life? How does it affect your work performance?
People who experienced the psychological benefits of participating in leisure activities also reported higher levels of perceived quality of life (Lloyd & Auld, 2002). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1013879518210
Happiness is not only related to workplace success, but happiness also precedes success, which leads to positive workplace outcomes (Boehm et al., 2008). https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072707308140
Describe your sleep preparation routine.
Activities for bedtime routine: Journaling, Reading, Meditation, Stretches, Listening to Music, Take a Warm Bath