Time Tips
Healthy Characteristics
Pros of a Healthy Balance and Time Management
The Risks of an Unhealthy Balance

Finding room in your schedule for your passions, hobbies and interests. Also known as:

What is "Fun Time"


You need to learn how to say the opposite of "Yes"

What is "No"


Taking pauses and breaks especially between June and August can lead to more of these:

What are "vacations"


According to some sources, working hybrid has made it harder to unplug or disconnect past established work hours. Continuing to not adhere to a schedule or boundaries can lead to...

What is "Constant Overwork"


Creating work folders, decluttering space, downloading tasks can all create this, also known as something Marie Kondo specializes in:

What is "Organized Environment"


Making this a priority is ideal, Beyonce also made this concept in her song "Me, Myself and I"

What is "Prioritize Self Care"


Establishing clear boundaries and deadlines along with clear defined roles and responsibilities amongst a team can aid in the team working together more efficiently because these two things are strengthened:

What is "Team Collaboration and Communication"


Constantly working late hours and thinking about work can impact you both mentally and physically leading to this issue associated with sleep deprivation:

What is"fatigue"


Creating designated specific clusters in your calendar to complete tasks are called:

What are "Time Blocks"


One part consists of saying "No", sticking to work hours, and taking time off. Also a common hot topic in social media.

What is "Set Boundaries"


Being more intentional about your personal and work time, you will find more harmony. Creating the balance gives you time to handle day to day pressures. Ultimately, leading to this overall, some people use a squishy ball as a method of control:

What is "Less Stress"


People have a higher risk of developing illnesses such as (list at least 3 options)

What is "stroke, anxiety, depression, heart disease"


In this day and age where everyone is juggling multiple roles and can complete tasks using technological advances. Attending to a bunch of tasks can make you lose focus and result in the opposite desired impact. So this should be avoided:

What is "Multitasking"


This is crucial to figure out your productive hours, flexibility and decrease procrastination

What is the "Importance of Schedules"


Completing projects, deadlines on time in both your personal and professional life can lead to you feeling in control and ultimately creating this greater sense of self also known as:

What is "higher self confidence"


The lack of self care, boundaries and scheduling would result in this. Also known as a car maneuver.

What is "Burn Out"


This method named after our 34th President helps you organize your to do list by priority:

What is the "Einsenhower Decision Matrix"


This is something you should do to ask yourself questions. Also known as Mase and Cameron`s favorite phrase:

What is "Pause"


A positive work place balance is not only essential for employees but helps cultivate the office culture and can lead to this regarding employment statistics:

What is "higher retention rate"


Not prioritizing your time and neglecting those you care about would result in this...

What are "Strained Relationships"
