This person assist with move ins and completes Plymouth Arms recerts?
Who is Stephanie Assistant Property Manager?
1-833-297-9352 is the phone number for to report these types of work order.
What is emergency work orders?
The property management office is the 1st number you should call for this type of request.
What is an work order?
On these days the the dumpster are emptied.
What are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays?
This sheet is included with your calendar every month
What is an RSVP slip?
This person has been working at Plymouth Arms the longest
Who is Tony?
616-458-2690 is the phone number used to speak to this staff person.
Who is the Service Coordinator?
At your 10 year anniversary you can request this type of work order.
What is new carpet?
This device alerts your neighbors that you need assistance in your apartment.
What are pull cords?
This is the year your Service Coordinator started at Plymouth Arms.
What is 2016?
This person runs day to day operations at Plymouth Arms
Who is Chris the Property Manager
If you want to speak to the Property Manager you would call this phone number.
What is 616-451-2749?
Residents can request this service at their 5 year anniversary mark.
What is paint request
The large blue bins on property are used for what purpose.
What is recycling?
The recert process starts when
The person on the right has this job title
What is Assistant Property Manager?
80 is the number units at which apartment complex
What is Plymouth Arms?
For a $50 refundable cleaning deposit and $60 rental fee you can make this type of request.
What is renting the Plymouth Arms community room?
The recycling bins (blue bins) are supposed to maintained by this person.
Who is the resident that ordered the bin?
Your medical bills must be what in order to be claimed on your recert
What is paid or on a payment plan?
Name this person that will come and change your furnace filter.
Who is Milo?
The maintenance team will only do these type of work order Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm free of charge.
What are lock outs?
This type of paperwork allows you to request tub cut outs, assigned parking spots, apartment transfers, and other accommodations/modifications to your apartments.
What is a 504?
Residents are able to request an assigned parking spot based off this type of designation
What is a disability or medical condition?
Any additional income over $200 months is called this
What is unreported income?