Social Security number, race, ethnicity, picture, and date of birth or age or address.
What should you not include on your resume?
Tell me about yourself? what is your biggest weakness? and why should I hire you?
What are some interview questions?
a document that shows Skills required for jobs educational attainment, skills you possess, and work history
What is a resume ?
anything that not professional
What are some inappropriate email addresses to use during your job search?
Inappropriate profile picture, mention of drug use, mention of illegal weapons use, mention of any illegal activity, or inappropriate language regarding a current or former employer.
What on your social media pages can negatively influence your job search?
more than 2
How many copies of a resume should you bring to an interview?
" You do not get a second chance to make a...."
What is first impressions?
a letter sent with and explaining the contents of your resume .
What is a cover letter?
Tell me about a time.....
What is a Behavioral- based question?