Appropriate Clothing
Clean and Neat
Being on Time

I need a blue shirt with a collar for work. Is this shirt appropriate?

YES! This shirt would be appropriate for your work dress code.


Does this shirt look neat and clean? Why or why not?

No way! This shirt is covered in stains. It needs to be cleaned before wearing it to work.


When I get to work in the morning, my boss greets me with "good morning! How are you today?"

What should I say back?

"Good morning! I'm well, how are you?"


Name 3 hygiene tasks you may complete before going to work.

Brushing teeth

Take a shower

Use deodorant

Brush/Style your Hair


I have to be at work at 7:00 AM. Is this the correct time?



The dress code at my job says "no logos on clothing". Would this shirt be appropriate?

No. This shirt has a logo on it. What is a logo again?


My work shirt is clean, but it is wrinkled. Would it be professional to wear to work?

Probably not if it is very wrinkled. There are ways that we can get rid of the wrinkles to make us look more professional!


Your staff asks you to clean the bathrooms at the ATA. You have never cleaned a bathroom before and do not know what to do. What can you say to your staff?

Remember: It is always okay to ask for help! You can let your staff know that you are not sure of how to clean a bathroom and ask for them to show you so you can learn. We're always learning new things!


What do you need to brush your teeth?

Toothbrush and toothpaste


I have to be at work at 9:30 AM. Is this the correct time?

No. What time does this clock say?


Can we wear open toe shoes in the Bark-ery?

No. We must wear close toe shoes when working in the Bark-ery and at the ATA.


My work shirt is clean, but it is wrinkled. What can I do to make my shirt look more professional for work?

I can use an iron!


Where should you look when you are talking to someone?

We want to make eye contact when we are talking with someone. This shows the person that we are listening to what they have to say.


What item do we put on our underarms as part of our hygiene routine?


What part of the day is AM?



What is the difference between closed toe and open toe shoes?

Closed toe shoes have material that covers your whole foot so you cannot see your toes (like a sneaker). Open toe shoes show your toes (like a flip flop).


You realize on Tuesday afternoon that you do not have any clean work clothes for tomorrow. Do you think it would be ok to just wear the work clothes that are in the dirty laundry?

No. Those clothes in the laundry have already been worn and are dirty. What can we do instead?


You are in a class and everyone is talking at the same time. Is this good communication? Why or why not?

No. Remember that we want to listen to what the person has to say or what they may be showing us. Then we can respond when it is our turn. When you are talking, others should listen to what you have to say as well.


Besides hygiene tasks, what is something else that you may do in your morning routine?

Make your bed

Get dressed

Eat breakfast



What part of the day is PM?

Afternoon and Evening/Night.

My dress code at work says that I can wear jeans as long as they do not have any rips or tears in them. I have a pair of jeans with a very small rip. I don't think anyone will notice. Should I wear them?

Probably not. If your boss does notice and does not approve, you may be sent home from work and may not get paid!


Name 3 items you may need when cleaning your clothes.

Washing machine


Laundry Detergent

Dryer Sheets


When someone is talking to us, what should we do?

Be sure to listen!


What can you use to help you to remember all of the tasks you need to complete before work?

A Checklist (or To-Do List)


I have to be to work at 8:00 AM. I get to work on Tuesday morning at 8:30 AM. Was I on time?

No, I was not on time. Was I early or late?
