Name two things you should do each morning to insure good personal hygiene?
Brush Teeth, Wash Face, Shower, Put on Deodorant, Comb Hair, Wear Clean Clothes
What word means "showing great excitement or interest"? (cooperate enthusiastic)
Mark has the worst job today, at least I'm already done what I have to do.
Ask mark if he could use some help
You are given a job, but you are not sure how to do it. What should you do?
Ask for help from your supervisor or co-worker.
True or False? Should you point at customers at work?
After working or before eating I should do this with my hands.
Wash them with soap and water for 20 seconds.
Sweeping the floor is the worst job!
Sometimes I need to do tasks I don't love but it is important to do what I am asked.
You forgot you have your cousin's birthday party on Friday night and you are scheduled to work.
Ask a co-worker to switch you.
Go to the party late if you have to. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices for our work.
It's ok if you're five minutes late for work.
List two things that are necessary for good oral hygiene.
floss, brush teeth, mouth wash
Today at work there is a new person starting.
introduce yourself and say hi
A customer asks you where something is in the store, but you don't know where to find it, what could you do?
Ask a co-worker or supervisor.
True or False: I should joke around while at work to pass the time?
False: I should remain professional at all times.
Pretend you have just moved into a new apartment, make a list for the store of all the items you would need to take a shower.
shampoo soap conditioner
Define Teamwork.
Working together to complete a job.
Working together to meet a goal.
While you are helping a customer with their order they start to tell you that you've gotten the order wrong. They start to yell at you. What should you do?
Stay calm and get your boss
What do we do when we first arrive at work?
Talk to the manager, make eye contact. Find out what jobs you will be doing.
List all items needed in order to have a clean uniform? (atleast 3)
laundry detergent, iron, washing machine, dryer
Define "dependable".
Being reliable
Being Trustworthy
You can be counted on
You are schedule to work, but you want to stay home and watch T.V. What should you do?
Go to work. People are depending on you and it shows you are being responsible and professional.
Imagine you saw a co-worker taking a couple dollars out of the cash register drawer each time they opened it. What would you do?
Tell your boss.
Your co-worker doesn't stop talking to herself and it's very distracting. You've asked her to be quiet, but she just can't help it. You've spoken to your boss and he just shrugged and said 'deal with it.' Is it okay to continue complain or cover your ears and tell her to be quiet?