Annual Declaration
"I get paid to do this?" Direct Support Person job samples
Career Opportunities

This team substitutes for the WALES Facilitators providing vacation, sick and training coverage

What is the WALES Relief Team?


These people are required to complete the Annual Declaration every year.

Who are all staff, FamilyHome Providers, Respite Providers and volunteers who have direct contact with people with developmental disabilities, who are receiving services and support?


A relaxing treat to sit, unwind and enjoy a time of entertainment and wonder on "the big screen."

What is the movie theatre?

On average, a monthly volunteer opportunity to attend meetings, review policies and procedures, and maintain the overall direction and health of Extend-A-Family Waterloo Region

What is the Board of Directors?


The online application portal used by Extend-A-Family Waterloo Region for employment and volunteer opportunities.

What is ADP Workforce Now? (ADP for short)


Our acronym (WALES) stands for

What is Working Adults Learning Empowering Skills?


True or false: If someone reports abuse to you, you should ask direct questions, such as, "Did someone hit your arm?"

What is False? 

(EAF staff are not permitted to investigate a suspected abuse claim and are instead required to contact the appropriate authorities (i.e. F&CS for children, or WRPS for adults)


An annual attraction every August in Uptown Waterloo watching performers from all over the world.

What is the Waterloo Busker Carnival?


The best and most fun volunteering opportunity mid-September every year!

What is WOW Volunteering?


The best platform for staying in touch with EAFWR about upcoming work & volunteer opportunities

What is Social Media? (All of our job and volunteer opportunities are posted regularly on all of our Social Media platforms (i.e. Instagram, Facebook & LinkedIn)


True or False: WALES is designed for people to stay inside every day and not go out into community.

What is FALSE! WALES is designed to welcome members into the group to figure out personal goals and interests, and then go OUT into community to make those goals and interests come to life!


The amount of "tolerance" allowed for abuse at Extend-A-Family Waterloo Region

What is Zero (aka. Zero-Tolerance Policy)?


A weekly session of stretching, meditation and calm at a local studio with my support person.

What is Yoga?


A Volunteer Respite opportunity to travel on short excursions, day trips, and sometimes overnights to various places around Ontario. 

What is SEEDS?


True or False: Extend-A-Family requires Canadian work experience on job applications and during interviews.

What is False? By law, EAFWR CANNOT require Canadian work experience on job applications and during interviews. We are proud to say we never did this in the first place, even before this law came into effect.


Name one physical accessibility feature of the WALES building

What is the ramp, accessible picnic tables, push button entry, accessible bathrooms, etc.


For completing your Annual Declaration, you receive:
a) a pet bunny

b) a $25 gift card

c) continued employment & volunteering knowing you are doing your part to maintain Ministry compliance each year

What is c) continued employment & volunteering knowing you are doing your part to maintain Ministry compliance each year


An enjoying time in nature, exploring local paths and trails throughout Waterloo Region and beyond.

What is a hike, or going for a walk together?


A shorter term Shared Living relationship matching an adult supported by Extend-A-Family with a person or family for shorter overnight visits together (most often in the form of a weekend or week)

What is Respite?


An EAFWR staff member who helps plan and manage Ministry funding, make purchases, and/or match and supervise Direct Support People

What is a Support Coordinator?


The original WALES location

What is Rosemount Public School?


In addition to our values of providing safe and caring relationships and support, this Ministry directive guides our Annual Declaration for Abuse Training. 

What is QAM (Quality Assurance Measures)?


Zipping around an indoor track racing against other competitors to see who will cross the finish line first. 

What is Go-Karting?


A Shared Living opportunity matching an adult supported by Extend-A-Family with a person or family in a long term living relationship together. 

What is FamilyHome?


The interview format/style used for all interviews at EAFWR (Hint: _ _ _ - it is 3 words)

What is Behaviour Based Interviewing?
