Body Language

What do you say when someone says hello to you

"Hello", "How are you", "Hi..."


When you are talking to someone and they are nodding their head, this means?

that they are listening, and will probably join in on your conversation. This is a positive behavior letting you know that they are engaged.


Ignoring someone when they say hi to you.



When you text a friend and they don't respond right away, you should...

give them an appropriate amount of time, like a day or two. Everyone has different priorities.


When a shopper ask you a question that you do not know the answer to, you should just pretend you didn't hear them and walk by.



you say "I am not sure, Let's go find the manager and ask them" :) 


When you are talking with someone, what should your eyes be doing?

looking at the person, try to look at them in the eyes, but if that is real hard for you to do, then focus somewhere on their face.


You have worked out, been outside or been at work. You have been sweaty. Should you shower before work or school?

Yes. You are an adult. Cleanliness is professional, and should be in your routine daily. Nothing gets you less friends or keeps you from a good position in a job than someone who is STINKY. YOU need to use deodorant 


is it appropriate to send an emoji in a text or email to your boss at work when asking for work advice, schedules or calling in sick 

Inappropriate. You are to be professional with communication. Calling in sick, late etc, is a dismissable offense, so you do not want to get in more trouble 


When a friend, Teacher or coworker is talking about instructions, should you interrupt with stories about yourself or a make believe worlds (cartoon, or games)

No, We should stay on topic. There is time outside of class or work to talk about other things. Does this mean we can not talk about it at all? No, we love to talk but it should be related to the moment


If you are tired, and ran a little late,  and your manager/teacher ask "How are you today" should your answer that you are "tired because I stayed up too late watching scary movies until 3 am."


False, you are coming in to work, you knew you were coming in to work, so your response should be " I am fine, or I am good, how are you?"

Saying that you are tired is answering in a way that makes it look like you are not responsible.


When someone asks you for help, what should you do?

Stop and give them help, (depending on your assigned position) you can also call someone to help them if it is something that is too heavy or hard. NEVER ignore a shopper/customer


Another adult has come into the classroom, or store. They are looking around, but did not say anything. You should?

Say good Morning(or Afternoon) and ask if you can help them. They may be shy or lost, and in the wrong place. Don't ignore them, just as you would not want to be ignored if you did not know where you were suppose to go.


Is it appropriate to wear body perfume in Massive amounts, because you don't want to shower.


 you do not smell clean or good,  you smell Doubly bad!


When you are asked a question by a customer, boss, or teacher, that requires a yes or no response, is it ok to say "what do YOU think"  

No. communication is way to learn about someone. If you are sarcastic or mean, it appears that you are not being a responsible adult.


How are you today?

 correct responses are

 " I don't know", "I don't want to talk about it" or

"What do I look like I am...."

False, no NO. You are being rude. If you can not say that you are good or bad for real, say " I am ok, and how about you? That is being polite, and puts the question back to the other person, which allows you to not have to talk to much, and think about it 


You are in a class or work and another worker is not being respectful to another person, co-worker or manager. The manager is handling it by speaking with the student. Should you comment, ask whats going on,  or interject a comments.

No, everyone has bad days. UNLESS you are asked to help, or asked a question, it is best to mind your business. Later you may ask questions of the teacher or boss, but you may just seem nosy.


When someone is talking to you and you are rolling your eyes, yawning and looking away, what will they think?

That you are being rude, bored or mad.

How can you change this perception of you?


 When working at a restaurant, as a cook or wait staff,  Is it appropriate to ask to sample the food items on the menu?

Inappropriate. You are an employee. There will be times to try out the menu, but NEVER ask to taste something. You can purchase it if you like. AT home is the only place you should TASTE TEST


When you meet someone for the first time, you need to give them your first and last name, and shake their hand. BUT don't look them in the eye because that is actually a challenge.

When you meet someone for the first time you Should look at them in the eye, and shake their hand and repeat your name. That is being polite.


It is true that you should call your boss, and try to get someone to take your shift if you are sick and can't make it in. But it is ALSO ok for your Mom or Dad to do this for you.

FALSE It is your job, and it is your responsibility to find someone to take your position or to at least call into work to talk to YOUR boss.