Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 6
The Energy Bus

This new type of parent-teacher conference format emphasizes teamwork, where blame is avoided and everyone, including the student, plays an active role.

What is a "no-fault" parent-teacher conference?


This term describes a moment of sudden realization when a person sees a situation in a new way, often after being bound by their initial perception.

What is a paradigm shift?


This metaphor represents the connection between home and school that students traverse each day.

What is a bridge?


These aspects of our identity shape our perspectives and attitudes.

What are cultural identities and life experiences?


This metaphor in the book represents one's outlook on life, highlighting the influence of energy and attitude on personal and professional success.

What is the energy bus?


Researchers in the 1980s found that this was not the primary predictor of children's academic success or failure, contrary to popular belief.

What is socioeconomic status (SES)?


When people disagree with us, we often think something is wrong with them, but this occurs because they are following their own version of this.

What is a mental map?


This strategy involves teachers establishing personal relationships with students' families, often by making early contact or sending welcoming letters.

What is reaching out and sharing oneself?


This teaching approach develops methods that validate students and allow them to co-construct knowledge in school settings.

What is culturally responsive teaching?


Emphasizing positivity and resilience in the face of challenges

What is the importance of a positive mindset?


This term describes how many parents from disenfranchised or ethnic minority groups feel when interacting with school staff due to perceived judgment or patronizing attitudes.

What is "intimidated"?


Federal funds are granted only to schools using these methods, which are based on research and proven effectiveness.

What are Scientifically Based Methods of Teaching?


This person is designated to organize and facilitate activities that enhance family-school relationships at the school site.

What is a family-school coordinator?


This literature-based moral development program connects home culture with school culture through family homework activities.

What is the Child Development Project?


George learns that this rule involves being mindful of the language he uses and its impact on his mindset and relationships.

What is expressing love?


Studies show that when parents and teachers give similar messages about this, children exhibit fewer problematic social behaviors and less confusion about expectations.

What is appropriate behavior?


Unlike the parent involvement paradigm, this model emphasizes a two-way exchange of information and joint efforts between parents and schools.

What is family–school collaboration?


This type of family is typically more hesitant to reach out to schools and may only expect contact when their child is in trouble.

What are families who have had negative experiences with schools?


These factors heavily influence low-income families’ parental practices and expectations, impacting children’s adjustment.

What are crosystemic factors?


This character serves as a mentor to the protagonist, helping him transform his life and mindset.

Who is the bus driver Joy?


In a longitudinal study of 704 Chicago parents, this factor during preschool and kindergarten was linked to higher reading achievement and fewer instances of grade retention by age 14.

What is participation in school activities


This type of role, typically expected by pre-service teachers, involves parents responding to teachers' needs rather than engaging in a more reciprocal relationship.

What is an "expert" role?


This term describes the quality of the internal environment of a school that influences how members behave and relate to one another.

What is organizational climate?


Early career teachers often respond to challenges in the classroom with feelings of these two negative emotions.

What are frustration and shame?


The book emphasizes the importance of this attitude, which encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own happiness and success.

What is accountability?
