Appropriate Topics
Body Language
Communication Skills
Workplace Etiquette
Professionalism in Action

What’s a safe topic to bring up in a workplace conversation?

The weather, Interest, Sports, Music, etc.


You’re having a one-on-one with your boss. If you stand with your arms crossed and avoid eye contact, what does that look like?

Disinterested or defensive.


You’re listening to a colleague, and you want them to know you're paying attention. What should you do?

Nod occasionally and maintain eye contact.


When you first start your shift, what’s a good way to greet your coworkers?

"Hey, how’s it going today?"


When is it appropriate to send a personal text during work hours?

Only during break times or when it's urgent.


Your coworker starts talking about their breakup during a busy workday. What should you do?

Acknowledge their feelings briefly and suggest talking outside of work: “I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s catch up after work when we have time.”


When you're giving a presentation, what’s the best body language to show you're confident?

Stand tall, make eye contact, and use open hand gestures.


If you need to ask for help with a task, what’s a good way to do it?

Politely say, "Can you help me with this? I'm not sure how to do it."


If a customer asks a question, what’s the best way to answer?

Respond politely and professionally, and if you're unsure, ask for help.


How should you dress for a job interview at a corporate office?

Wear business professional attire, such as a suit or professional dress.


Your boss starts talking about their kids during a meeting. Is it appropriate for you to share personal stories about your family?

It’s fine to share, but keep it brief and avoid dominating the conversation.


You’re having a one-on-one meeting with your manager. What kind of body language should you avoid?

 Avoid slouching or looking distracted (like staring at your phone).


True or False: If you don't understand a task, it’s fine to just figure it out on your own without asking anyone

False. Asking for help shows initiative and avoids mistakes.


True or False: You should talk about your personal problems during a shift if you're feeling stressed

False. Save personal issues for a private space, not during work hours.


Your team is not working well together on a project. What’s a good way to address this?

Hold a team meeting to discuss the issues, listen to everyone’s concerns, and work together to find a solution.


You overhear a coworker making a comment about their romantic life. Should you join the conversation?

No. Keep the conversation professional, and avoid discussing personal relationships at work.


During a meeting, your coworker keeps looking at their watch. What could this indicate?

They might be bored, disinterested, or worried about time constraints.


If you receive a rude email from a coworker, how should you respond?

Stay professional and respond politely, asking for clarification if necessary, without engaging in negativity.


If you’re feeling under the weather, what’s the best way to handle it?

Let your supervisor know and either take the day off or ask to leave early


If you disagree with your manager’s approach to a task, how do you address it?

Respectfully explain your perspective and suggest a possible alternative.


True or False: It’s okay to talk about your wild weekend at a party with your manager during a meeting.

False. Keep conversations professional, and maybe leave the wild stories for your friends.


True or False: It's okay to fall asleep during a meeting.

False. If you feel yourself about fall asleep during a meeting, excuse yourself. 


You want to share your opinion during a meeting but don’t want to interrupt anyone. What’s a good way to do this?

Wait for a natural pause and then say, "If I may add something..."


 True or False: It's okay to not call your supervisor to let them you know that you will be out that day. 

 False, if you're going to call out you need to let your supervisor know.


If you’re asked to stay late to help with a project, but you already have plans, what should you do?

Politely explain your prior commitment, offer to help with the project another time, or find a way to help earlier.
