Alexa helps her sister learn a prayer.
Instruct the Ignorant.
Cara attends funerals and visitations.
Bury the Dead.
Georgia's friend is having doubts about her religion and faith. Georgia encourages her friend to turn to Jesus to share her feelings and questions.
Counsel the Doubtful.
Cameron attends a mission trip to Kenya to drill wells for water.
Give Drink to the Thirsty
Talk or spend time with a person who is feeling sad.
Comfort the Sorrowful.
Chloe's family prays to people who have died, and to people who are currently struggling with things.
Pray for the Living and the Dead.
Sara donates clothes to a local shelter.
Clothe the Naked.
Roxy explains to her friend that her clothing choices are not a good example of the way God created her in his image.
Admonish the Sinner.
Becky visits and makes food for people who are sick.
Visit the Sick.
Jane gives her friend a second chance even though she hurt Jane.
Forgive all Injuries.
Even though Penny's classmate is always cutting in line, Penny is patient and practices forgiveness.
To Bear Wrongs Patiently
Hannah visits her Grandma that lives in a nursing home.
Visit the Imprisoned.
Bonnie teaches catechism classes.
Instruct the Ignorant.
Casey puts flowers on a grave of someone who has died.
Bury the Dead
Julie tries to remind her children of the rules, and sets good examples for them.
Admonish the Sinner.
Even though Steven is always getting picked on and called names by his peers, he still shows them all kindness.
Forgive all Injuries.
Olive volunteers to serve food in a homeless shelter.
Feed the Hungry.
Nicole was playing with a doll, when her little sister asked if she could play with the doll too. But since Nicole had it first, she didn't want to give it to her sister. When Nicole saw her sister sad, she decided to give it to her and to have patience with her.
Bear wrongs Patiently.
Every month Mary visits the local jail.
Visit the imprisoned.
Olivia's friend, Ashley, is having a hard time making good choices, so Olivia reaches out to Ashley, offers some advice.
Counsel the Doubtful.
Nora's uncle got in a bad accident and is in the hospital for a couple of months. Nora and her friends write letters to Nora's uncle offering words of encouragement for a full recovery.
Comfort the Sorrowful.
Kate volunteers for an organization that helps people in need build homes.
Shelter the Homeless.
Nancy and her family say a family rosary every night and pray for friends and family.
Pray for the Living and the Dead.
Monica donates blankets, and pillows to homeless shelters.
Shelter the Homeless.
Joey goes to faith formation class and actively participates.
Instruct the ignorant