Central Idea & Details
Context Clues

What does the word redraw mean? 

A. a way to draw       

B. to draw again

C. a person who draws 

D. to draw before

B. to draw again



In these gold mines, children earn just two dollars a day. Most work only on days when there is no school. But many others skip school. Their families are poor, so they work in the mines instead. Without schooling, children cannot learn skills they need. They will not be able to get good jobs

What is the central idea of paragraph 5? 

A. Children who work in dangerous mines should earn more money. 

B. Children are missing school to earn money for their families.

C. Children learn important skills working in mines. 

D. Children should be able to work in mines that are safe.

B. Children are missing school to earn money for their families.



Nirma Chaudhary also wanted a job. She married at 17 and soon had a son. But her husband and parents wanted her to have a career. The fire station in their village needed firefighters. Nirma trained for six months. Then she went to work at the fire station. Some people in the village condemn her behavior. They think a wife and mother should stay at home.

Paragraph 6 says, “Some people in the village condemn her behavior.” Which sentence in paragraph 6 gives a clue to the meaning of condemn

A “She married at 17 and soon had a son.” 

B “The fire station in their village needed firefighters.” 

C “Then she went to work at the fire station.” 

D “They think a wife and mother should stay at home.”

D “They think a wife and mother should stay at home.”



But in many small villages, parents think school is for boys. Girls should learn to cook and keep house. Daughters should marry young and have children. The parents choose the men their daughters will marry. 

The lives of many Indian girls are preplanned. They cannot dream of getting jobs. They cannot take care of themselves. They must depend on their husbands.

 Which is the best summary of paragraphs 2 and 3? 

A. In India, most boys think school is important. Most girls do not like going to school. 

B. In Indian villages, girls marry young. Most girls do not go to school or learn important skills.

C. In India, there are many small villages. People are building new schools in these villages. 

D. In India, women depend on their husbands. Some husbands encourage their wives to go to school.

B. In Indian villages, girls marry young. Most girls do not go to school or learn important skills.


What does preplan mean?

A. ready to plan 

B. plan before 

C. without a plan 

D. plan again

B. plan before



Based on the title, Work No Child Should Do, what do you think could be the central idea of the passage? 

A. Some children in Burkina Faso are not getting the education they need because they work in gold mines.

B. Education was important in Burkina Faso until 800 gold mines opened. 

C. If Burkina Faso gets rich from gold, its children may no longer need to go to school. 

D. The government of Burkina Faso is beginning to help its poorest people.

A. Some children in Burkina Faso are not getting the education they need because they work in gold mines.



This happens in Burkina Faso, a country in Africa. Its people are poor. But Burkina Faso has rich deposits of gold. The government wants to dig up the gold and sell it. More than 800 gold mines have opened. Many young children work in the mines.

Paragraph 3 says that Burkina Faso “has rich deposits of gold.” Which phrase gives a clue to the meaning of deposits? 

A “are poor” 

B “government wants” 

C “to dig up” 

D “young children work” 

C “to dig up”



What are TWO things a summary must include?

1. Central Idea

2. Supporting Details



What does the prefix pre- mean?

What does the prefix re- mean?

pre - Before

re - Again



Which detail from the passage supports the idea that “New ideas are replacing old ones in India’s villages”

A. “In India, most people live in rural areas. The rest live in modern cities.” 

B. “But in many small villages, parents think school is for boys. Girls should learn to cook and keep house.” 

C. “They cannot dream of getting jobs. They cannot take care of themselves.” 

D. “The fire station in their village needed firefighters. Nirma trained for six months.”

D. “The fire station in their village needed firefighters. Nirma trained for six months.”


“Schools are distributing food to children and families.” 

What does the word distributing mean? 

A selling 

B growing 

C cooking 

D giving

D giving



Khushboo Rawat’s story shows how hard it can be to change parents’ minds. Her mother died when Khushboo was young. After that, she had to cook for the family. She had to care for her brothers and sisters. Her father expected her to marry at age 14. Khushboo wanted to stay in school. Her father got angry. He threw her out of the house. But she was lucky. She lived with her grandmother and finished high school. Now she goes to college and has a job.

Which is the best summary of what happened to Khushboo Rawat?

A. Khushboo wanted to stay in school. She cared for her brothers and sisters for years. She learned to cook and keep house. 

B. Khushboo wanted to stay in school. Her mother died. Her father wanted her to take care of the children. 

C. Khushboo and her father disagreed about her education. She went to live with her grandmother. She finished school and got a job.

D. Khushboo and her father agreed about her education. She left home to go to college. Now she lives with her grandmother.

C. Khushboo and her father disagreed about her education. She went to live with her grandmother. She finished school and got a job.


What does rethink mean as it is used in the sentence? 

A. to think again 

B. to stop thinking 

C. to think before 

D. to act without thinking

A. to think again



People are trying to fix this problem. They look for ways to keep children in school. One idea was to give money and books to families. But that did not work. Now they are trying other ideas. Schools are distributing food to children and families. They are adding sports and games to make school more fun. They are asking village leaders to help keep kids in school.

Which sentence from paragraph 6 best states the central idea

A. “People are trying to fix this problem.”

B. “One idea was to give money and books to families.” 

C. “They are adding sports and games to make school more fun.” 

D. “They are asking village leaders to help keep kids in school.”

A. “People are trying to fix this problem.”



The United Nations (UN) tries to help children all over the world. The UN says that children under 15 should not do work that is dangerous. They should not do work that keeps them from going to school.

But in poor countries, many young children work hard. They work in dangerous places. They are paid very little. But the money they earn helps their families.

Which two sentences belong in a summary of paragraphs 1 and 2? 

A. The UN tries to help make education fun for children in poor villages. 

B. The UN says that children can work as long as they do not miss any school. 

C. The UN tries to protect children from doing work that is dangerous or keeps them out of school. 

D. Children all around the world work because they want money to spend. 

E In poor countries like Burkina Faso, children work to help their families.

C. The UN tries to protect children from doing work that is dangerous or keeps them out of school.

E. In poor countries like Burkina Faso, children work to help their families.



The gold comes up from holes in the ground. They are more than 100 feet deep. Children help gather the gold. Some stay in the mine. They use small axes to chip the rock. Some use ropes to go down in the mine. They f ill buckets with rocks. Then they climb back up. Other children pound the rocks to look for bits of gold. This goes on all day long.

Which sentence best summarizes paragraph 4? 

A. Children chip rocks in the mine, carry them up in buckets, and pound the rocks to find gold. 

B. The mine is 100 feet deep, so children use ropes to climb up and down. 

C. Children work in groups or alone in the mine, filling buckets with rocks. 

D. The children who work at the mine learn how to use tools and ropes. 

A. Children chip rocks in the mine, carry them up in buckets, and pound the rocks to find gold.
