Where Climate and Migration Meet
Afghanistan: End of the 20-Year U.S. Led Intervention
Human-Centered Agenda to the Future of Work
CDC and the Global Health Agenda
Technology and Democracy: Threat or Promise

With the exception of island nations, where do climate migrants and refugees tend to move to?

A. Somewhere within their own national border

B. Neighboring countries

C. Wealthy developed states that can offer welfare

D. Areas with large diaspora populations


What was one of the main failings of the western and U.S.-backed Afghan state?

A. It was built off of older systems, similar to the Soviet-era structure, in favor of heavy centralization without local buy-in  

B. There was a lack of funding for technical equipment needed for the functions of a modern bureaucracy

C. Not enough effort was put into education, failing to build a good base for future governance

D. Foreign assistance failed to entice Afghan communities and thus, did not receive cooperation


According to an ILO assessment of labour provisions in trade agreements, which is one of the key findings:

A. Labour provisions ease labour market access and increase labour force participation rates

B. Labour provisions help combat corruption in trade agreements

C. Labour provisions are not necessary for trade agreements

D. Labour provisions can often hurt free trade 


What are some long-term negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic?

A. World governments have spent around $80 billion USD in combatting the pandemic, a number that would’ve taken over 500 years to spend if there was a focus on pandemic preparations

B. Poverty rates decreased during the pandemic due to government assistance and will continue to do so

C. School closures will leave over 100 million children below proficiency levels and will see many girls unable to return to school

D. Most countries have agreed to invest significant efforts in strengthening global health responses


How do democratic countries engage in digital repression?

A. Weaker democracies like Israel and Brazil prefer to manipulate information to suppress dissent

B. Democracies have not been found engaging in digital repression due to accountability measures

C. Democracies prefer to use private companies to engage in such activities

D. Strong democracies with large bureaucracies like the U.S. are more likely go use their greater resources to engage in digital repression


The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by 193 countries, can be used to support those displaced or forced to migrate by climate change since the compact asks signatories:

A. In target 10.7 to “facilitate orderly, safe, and responsible migration of people, including through implementation of planned and well-managed policies.”

B. Encouraged climate change and its issues to be incorporated into broader state agendas

C. In target 13.1 to “Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries”

D.  All of the above


Afghanistan is the largest producer of which illicit drug?

A. Marijuanna

B. Cocaine 

C. Opium

D. Kratom 


High levels of inequality in the world of work can lead to which of the following:

A. Countries defaulting on international loans

B. Diminished resilience of countries to adapt to the external shocks

C. Difficulty in developing international trade relations

D. None of the above


How does the COVAX facility promote vaccine access to participating countries:

A. It incentivizes producers to expand their production and negotiates competitive prices

B. It purchases vaccines directly before distributing them to member countries

C. It provides investments in vaccine research for member countries

D. It promotes bilateral and independent purchases of vaccines through financial incentives


What does Francis Fukuyama believe social media companies should be asked to do in terms of regulations?

A. To target and take down fake news and misinformation more rigorously

B. To stop the recommendation and amplification of fake news

C. To step back from regulating and observe the first amendment as any government would do

D. To be broken up into smaller companies on the basis of antritrust laws


Which trend regarding migration and climate change in South Asia is not true?

A. Climate-induced migrations are mostly within national borders, though cross-border movement has grown increasingly appealing

B. Migration tends to move from dense urban areas along the coast towards rural areas as sea levels rise 

C. Governments have made a myriad of policies, but corruption, lack of strategy and other similar factors, have rendered them ineffective

D. International aid to the region to address climate-induced displacement has been insufficient


Why was getting the Afghan government and the Taliban to negotiate so difficult

A. U.S. intervention as Washington did not want talks to take place

B. Both parties saw each other as an existential threat to their survival

C. The Taliban refused to meet with the Afghan government

D. The Taliban was too decentralized to negotiate with


Which of the following is NOT one of the principal foundations of the ILO’s human-centered approach to the future of work?

A. Sustainability

B. Resilience

C. Economically viability

D. Inclusivity


What is an example of successful vaccine diplomacy?

A. Russia’s Sputnik V, which has met and exceeded the expectation of health experts

B. American efforts in South-East Asia where over a million free doses have been delivered

C. India is closing vaccine exports to provide for domestic supply

D. The EU’s hesitancy to adopt Sputnik V due to its missing of key deadlines


What actions did social media companies take during and after the Arab Spring?

A. Companies like Facebook increased their transparency on suspensions and removals

B. They ended their cooperation with authoritarian governments

C. Platforms suspended and removed activists and cooperated with authoritarian regimes

D. In light of their political role, larger companies started shifting away from the profit-driven models towards more ethical models


Climate change and its disasters do not differentiate between class or nationality, yet some populations are more vulnerable. Which of the listed groups are disproportionately affected?

A. Under-resourced developing countries

B. Marginalized minority groups, women, and children

C. Those trapped in poverty without land or resources

D. All of the above


Why were many of the institutions initiated by the U.S. effort to reconstruct Afghanistan unsustainable?

A. U.S. agencies relied too heavily on the Afghan government to carry out projects using U.S. funds, many of which were never completed  

B. U.S. agencies did not prioritize long term viability and Afghan institutions were ill-prepared to inherit U.S. efforts 

C. These efforts should’ve focused on short term relief before aiming for long term goals

D. Afghan society resisted changes introduced by U.S. initiatives and refused to inherit U.S. built institutions


If the ILO Committee on Freedom on Association (CFA) finds that a member country has violated the freedom of association standards or principles, it can:

A. Vote the member nation out of the ILO

B. Impose sanctions

C. Issue a report through the ILO Governing Body and make recommendations on how the situation could be remedied

D. All of the above


What is the “Mexico City Policy”?

A. The policy requires foreign NGOs to confirm that they will not use funds to support abortion as a condition for U.S. global health assistance

B. The policy aims to foster closer health cooperation between the U.S. and Mexico

C. It was a program created by President Raegan which has remained in place since 1984

D. The policy aims to increase the CDC’s global presence


How can due process be put at risk by a lack of data privacy?

A. Countries with weak judiciaries can conduct illegal surveillance where a warrant would normally be needed

B. Countries can take advantage of mutual legal assistance treaty (MLAT) to spy on foreign citizens

C. It opens the door for political and discriminatory surveillance

D. All of the above


What precedent did the 2018 UN Commission on Human Rights case Ioane Teitiota v. New Zealand establish?

A. Countries should implement human rights agendas into their broader climate crisis responses

B. Countries can reserve the right to deport climate migrants as they do not qualify for refugee status

C. Individuals who face climate-change induced situations that violate their right to life cannot be deported

D. Developed nations should provide more support for those nations most at risk due to climate change


What happened immediately following the collapse of the USSR and the pro-Communist government of Najibullah in 1991?

A. The U.S. led an intervention force to build a democratic state to replace the defunct government  

B. Mujahideen leaders turned on one another in another civil war for control of Afghanistan 

C. The Taliban formed the new government and imposed a harsh interpretation of Islam on the country

D. Hamid Karzai was elected as the first President of Afghanistan


As part of its mandate to promote social justice in the world, the ILO has several Decent Work Strategic Objectives, including guaranteeing fundamental rights at work, and which of the following:

A. Creating a global workers union

B. Strengthening tripartism and social change 

C. Creating a global minimum wage

D. Lowering income taxes for all


What is the global role played by the CDC?:

A. It sets the global standard for health agencies across the world

B. It coordinates with other agencies, domestic and international, to respond to health and natural disaster crisis

C. It spearheads health initiatives like malaria and smallpox campaigns

D. All of the above


What has been a consequence of the EU code of conducts aimed at addressing disinformation campaigns via social media?

A. Participating social media platforms have increased their monitoring of hate speech

B. No substantial improvements have been made, mainly due to the failures of the platforms

C. There are widespread fears that the codes will infringe on freedom of speech

D. Social media platforms have agreed to pay compensation for damages produced through their platform
