The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Demographic Dividends - Population Shift in Africa
The Global South
Sports and Diplomacy
Country in Focus:
South Korea

What was not initially considered a primary goal among the objectives set by the 12 nations forming the NATO military alliance in 1949?

A. Inhibit Soviet expansionism

B. Dissuade nationalist militarism

C. Ensure the liberty and security of all member states 

D. Foster political integration in Europe


What window of opportunity is described as the “demographic dividend”?

A. The age range when a population is most economically productive

B. The period during which a country experiences an increasing birth rate

C. The timeframe in which population growth is at its peak

D. The stage in demographic transition characterized by high mortality rates


Which among the following countries is notably absent from the BRICS consortium, an alliance created to help “advance the agenda of the Global South”?

A. Brazil

B. Mexico

C. Russia

D. South Africa


Unlike other forms of diplomacy, why does sports diplomacy have no barrier?

A. The globalized nature of trade and travel eliminates barriers for sports diplomacy.

B. Sports are universally recognized, overcoming linguistic and national


C. The use of media and technology is the primary barrier remover in sports


D. Sports diplomacy uniquely focuses on economic cooperation between nations.


This mountain range runs northward into North Korea, and forms the country’s drainage divide:

A. Chir Mountains

B. Paektu Mountains

C. Sobaek Mountains

D. T’aebaek Mountains


At the Vilnius Summit, NATO allies unanimously committed to dedicating a minimum of 2 percent of their GDP to defense. What overarching objective did this agreement seek to achieve:

A. Address the disparity in NATO defense spending

B. Curtail defense spending, adhering strictly to the original Defense Investment Plan

C. Optimize military efficiency through resource consolidation

D. Promote international cooperation in defense research and development


According to the World Bank study, what are the four "I"s crucial for boosting economic growth in Africa?

a. International, Investment, Innovation, and Infrastructure

b. Infrastructure, Investment, Innovation, and Institutions

c. Investment, Institutions, Income, and Innovation

d. Income, Innovation, Infrastructure, and International


How did the Brandt Line initially divide the world in terms of the Global North and Global South?

A. According to colonial history

B. Along geographical latitudes

C. Based on political ideology

D. Based on the standard of living


How has the International Olympic Committee been instrumental in starting several political arguments?

A. Advocating for global peace initiatives

B. Aids in building out legal infrastructure in sovereign states

C. Dictates how an undemocratic country should operate

D. Through recognizing states lacking UN recognition


This cultural phenomenon is considered the harbinger of South Korean culture's global impact:

A. Gangnam Style

B. How You Like That

C. Parasite

D. Squid Games


According to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, why is speed crucial in delivering military assistance to Ukraine?

A. Immediate need to counteract Russia’s cyber warfare capabilities

B. Prevent the spread of misinformation

C. Key capabilities reach Ukraine before Russia's offensive gains momentum

D. Maintain public support for NATO’s involvement in the conflict


Which African country saw the most progress in primary education completion rates between 1999 and 2015, attributing success to increased school infrastructure and teacher recruitment spending?

a. Rwanda

b. Ethiopia

c. Niger

d. Djibouti


Which region(s) in the Global South are currently experiencing the highest rates of urban population growth?

A. Africa

B. Asia

C. Africa and Latin America

D. Latin America and Asia


How did a football match contribute to diplomatic relations between El Salvador and Honduras?

A. The Honduran players were invited to a diplomatic summit following the match.

B. The match escalated tensions, leading to protests and violence in both nations.

C. The match resulted in the border between the two nations closing.

D. The match resulted in a formal treaty signing between El Salvador and Honduras.


How does the Yoon administration differ from the Moon government regarding its foreign policy approach?

A. Distancing itself from the broader Indo-Pacific narrative, positioning South Korea

on the periphery of Indo-Pacific regional architecture.

B. Emphasizing cultural diplomacy to strengthen ties with neighboring Asian


C. Focusing on domestic economic policies to boost South Korea's self-reliance.

D. Promoting foreign policy to enhance regional and global collaboration

between South Korea and like-minded U.S. allies.


What was the Soviet Union's response to NATO's decision to admit West Germany in 1955?

A. It triggered the Cuban Missile Crisis

B. Establishment of the Warsaw Pact

C. Initiation of the Marshall Plan

D. Implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords


According to the CIA World Factbook, what has been a significant factor contributing to the struggles in Libya's economy since 2014, leading to the growth of a shadow economy and inflation?

A. Political instability

B. Decline in global oil prices

C. Increased agricultural production

D. Enhanced infrastructure development


The increase of the urban population in the Global South is largely due to:

A. Migration from rural areas

B. Mortality and fertility rates of urban residents

C. Reclassification of rural areas as urban

D. Rise in industrial production within urban areas


This diplomatic approach paved the way for President Richard Nixon to establish relations with China:

A. “Pin-down diplomacy”

B. “Ping-Pong diplomacy”

C. “Rugby diplomacy”

D. “Skating diplomacy”


What act passed by the Biden administration left Koreans feeling “backstabbed” in August 2022?

A. American Rescue Plan

B. Extended Deterrence Strategy Act

C. Inflation Reduction Act

D. National Defense Authorization Act


For non-NATO countries interested in NATO membership, what function did the Partnership for Peace (P4P) serve?

A. Economic cooperation platform

B. Cultural exchange forum

C. Military operability roadmap

D. Political stability agreement


By mid-century, which African region is projected to experience a population increase, nearly doubling to surpass 2 billion?

A. Sub-Saharan Africa

B. Northern Africa

C. East Africa

D. Western Africa


Countries that depend heavily on resource exports and not industrialization have seen urbanization progress in these concentrated areas:

A. Production cities

B. Preindustrial cities

C. Consumption cities

D. Export Cities


Which of the following major sporting events resulted in a positive shift in a nation's international image?

A. The 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany

B. The 2008 Beijing Olympics in China

C. The 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia

D. The 2022 World Cup in Qatar


Which country’s marginalization of South Korea could undermine its efforts to be seen as an Indo-Pacific player?

A. China

B. Japan

C. New Zealand

D. United States
