Great Decisions
Country in Focus: Ethiopia
The Future of Supply Chains
Battle of the Century: Autocracy vs. Democracy
Current Events

Which sector is the greatest source of greenhouse gas emissions?

A. Transportation

B. Electrical Power

C. Agriculture

D. Residential 


What are the most prominent Cushitic languages in Ethiopia?

A. Beja, Somali, and Kemant

B. Somali, Oromo, and Afar

C. Kwara, Arbore, and Omoro

D. Bilin, Beja, and Afar


Which is NOT one of the 5 supply chains where EC-ILO has sought to address decent work?

A. Textile and Clothing manufacturing in Madagascar

B. Coffee production in Colombia

C. Ruber glove manufacturing in Thailand

D. Electronics manufacturing in Vietnam


What are the characteristics of nations with flawed democracies?

A. Elections are fair and free, press is applied to political opposition, and media is diverse and independent

B. Electoral fraud or irregularities occur regularly, political pluralism is nonexistent or limited, criticism of the government is censored

C. Elections are fair and free, basic liberties are honored but may have issues, there are issues in the functioning of governance

D. Valid systems of governmental checks and balances exist, media is pressured and harassed, the judiciary system is not independent 


In August, Myanmar's military regime stated its intention to extend its emergency rule until 2023, due to:

A. Continued internal fighting 

B. Its desire to hold "free and fair" elections

C. Massive voter fraud in recent elections

D. Increased support for the People's Defense Force (PDF)


Which three countries have the lowest growth rates in greenhouse gas emissions per capita?

A. Romania, Denmark, the United Kingdom

B. Sweden, Norway, Germany

C. Brazil, Lithuania, France

D. The United Kingdom, Italy, Germany


What disease's adult prevalence in Ethiopia is above the world average and slightly above that of neighboring countries?


B. Hepatitis

C. Chickenpox

D. Tuberculosis


Labor exportation persists in supply chains due to the following condition, EXCEPT:

A. Inadequate regulatory enforcement 

B. Oppression of trade unions and human right defenders

C. Extensive poverty

D. The pressure for suppliers to produce at a lower cost


What percentage of the world's population lived under an authoritarian regime in 2021?

A. 37.1%

B. 46.4%

C. 59.3%

D. 67.2%


Which act, passed by the House of Representatives in August, is the first comprehensive climate legislation in U.S. history?

A. American Rescue Plan Act

B. Paris Agreement

C. Inflation Reduction Act

D. Climate Emergency Act


What was the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on carbon emissions?

A. Carbon emissions fell by 6.4% at the height of the pandemic, which squelched economic and social activities worldwide

B. Carbon emissions continued to rise, but from 2019-2021 rose only 1% each year

C. Carbon emissions fell by 17% at the height of the pandemic which squelched economic and social activities worldwide

D. Carbon emissions fell by 3% during the first year of the pandemic but has steadily increased since 2021


What political system is used in Ethiopia under the Constitution?

A. Republic

B. Democracy

C. Monarchy

D. Military Rule 


Prior to the COVID_19 pandemic, what was the most common disruption to supply chains?

A. Cost

B. Natural Disaster

C. Embargos

D. Economic Sanctions


What region has the highest-- and fastest growing--levels of government misinformation?

A. Western Europe

B. Central Asia

C. Middle East and North Africa

D. South America


In what country did protests break out after William Ruth was declared winner of the presidential election?

A. Nigeria

B. Kenya

C. Brazil 

D. Angola


In what way has Hamburg, Germany committed to becoming more sustainable and lessening greenhouse gas emissions?

A. Banning the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2030

B. Introducing car-free Sundays by 2030

C. Removing all parking spaces from the city center by 2030

D. Replacing roads with a network of interconnected open areas by 2030


What is the focal point of relations between Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan?

A. Illicit Drugs

B. Ethnic Clashes

C. The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

D. Human Rights Violence


Which term best describes the corporate practice of setting up factories in multiple parts of the world to minimize supply chain risks?

A. Regionalization

B. Overhauling

C. Nearshoring

D. Reshoring 


Which countries in North America and Western Europe have experienced an increase in polarization between 2011 and 2021?

A. France, Germany, Italy, and the United States

B. Germany, Portugal, Spain, and the United States

C. Canada, France, Hungary and Spain

D. Canada, Hungary, Norway, and Italy


Which party received the largest percentage of votes in the 2022 Swedish elections?

A. Christian Democrat

B. Left Party

C. Social Democrat

D. Green Party


This policy proposal originally called for a 10-year effort in which the United States would move towards sourcing 100% of its electricity from renewable sources?

A. Green New Deal 

B. The Paris Agreement

C. The Climate Pledge

D. Climate Emergency Act of 2021


What piece of legislation makes Ethiopia eligible for privileged trade benefits with the U.S.?

A. African Growth and Opportunity Act

B. Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA)

C. 2011 Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation

D. There is no act to be considered as an agreement between the U.S. and Ethiopia


The ILO has a unique position to address decent work deficits and improve working conditions in supply chains by the following, EXCEPT?

A. Provide guidance and support to ILO Member States and tripartite constituents

B. Reaffirm its mandate to create and supervise standards through a tripartite structure

C. Submit proposals for national legislation to combat exploitative labor practices

D. Ensure sustainability of its commitment to action


Which regime type is the most common and harbors the largest world population?

A. Liberal Democracy

B. Electoral Autocracy

C. Communism

D. Dictatorship 


OPEC+ announced that it would be cutting its oil production, increasing global prices. In response, President Joe Biden pledged that "there will be consequences" for U.S. relations with THIS country. 

A. Saudi Arabia

B. Russia

C. United Arab Emirates

D. Iraq
