As we all know, this has turned out to be a cold, snowy winter. I left the house this morning without my mittens, got stuck in a snowbank on my way to work and had to clean the 1 foot of snow from my car barehanded! Now my fingers are tingling and have a funny white tinge and I'm afraid I might have frostbite. What do I do? Use the guide to basic first aid in The World Almanac to give me the proper method for handling frostbite.
Handle frostbitten areas gently. Do not rub. Soak affected area in warm water (not warmer than 105 degrees), if there is no danger of area refreezing. Do not allow frostbitten area to touch the container. Keep the frostbitten part in the water until normal color returns and it feels warms. Loosely bandage the area with dry, sterile dressings. If fingers or toes are frostbitten, put sterile gauze between them. Call 9-1-1- or seek emergency help as soon as possible. (Page 167)