The Abbott Sisters
Robert Sengstacke Abbott
Tony Abbott
ABC Network

The Abbott sisters were born two years apart from one another, in 1876 and 1878, being given these names

What are Grace and Edith?


Robert Sengstacke Abbott was born in 1868 on this Georgia vacation island, which is not too far from Savannah

What is St. Simons?


Born in London is 1957, Tony Abbott had parents of this descent, of their country which was once a penal colony of Britain

What is Australian?


ABC was founded under this network monopoly that took place from 1938 to 1941, and eventually told NBC to sell off its network, causing the birth of ABC

What is the FCC?


The abdomen is a large body cavity between the chest, which is called this by scientists who have no life, and the pelvic cavity.

What is the thorax?


For 18 years, Edith Abbott fought for helping the poor and needy at a school in this Illinois city

What is Chicago?


At 31, Sengstacke Abbott worked to study law at this university, and eventually became a lawyer for a few years

What is Chicago-Kent College?


After graduating from the University of Sydney, Abbott was given this famed academic award by Oxford 

What is a Rhodes scholarship?


In the '60s, ABC saw a rise in profits, starring shows such as one starring this Caped Crusader, and others like "That Girl", "Bewitched", "The Brady Bunch", and "The Mod Squad".

What is Batman?


Although the abdomen is not separated from the pelvic cavity, it is separated from the thorax by this major muscle, which plays a role when you inflate your lungs while breathing.

What is the diaphragm?


Edith Abbott criticized politics in these government practices, which are designed to help the poor and needy

What are welfare programs?


In 1905, Sengstacke Abbott founded this newspaper in the Windy City, around the same time of the Great Migration

What is the Chicago Defender?


From 1990 to 1993, Abbott served as press secretary and political adviser to the leader of this Australian political party, and was elected to Parliament a year later

What is the Liberal Party?


Though it is now watched on all sorts of networks, the NFL first starred this week-opening gameday show in 1970, which is now a staple of American culture

What is Monday Night Football?


Two large blood vessels, which are called these, run not just through the abdomen, but also the heart, spine, and thorax.

What are the aorta and the vena cava?


Grace Abbott was chief of this American organization from 1921 to 1934, which was founded by William Taft in 1912

What is the United States Children's Bureau?

Abbott's parents had been this, which many African-Americans were in the 19th century, before being set free

What are slaves?


On the first of December in 2009, Abbott became the leader of the Liberal party, replacing this future Prime Minister

Who is Malcolm Turnbull?


In 1995, ABC was sold to Disney, where it first premiered shows like "Dancing with the Stars", and this popular monetary gameshow 

What is "Who Wants to be a Millionaire"?

Unlike humans, which have backbones, the abdomen can be found in these types of animals, which do not have backbones, such as fish and crustaceans.

What are invertebrates?


Besides being on this committee that developed the Social Security Act, Grace Abbott fought for the universal rights of women and children.

What is the Committee on Economic Security?

At his stepfather's newspaper, which was called this, Abbott learned printing skills and eventually went to the Hampton Institute in Virginia

What is the Woodville (Georgia) Times?


In 2013, Abbott's Liberals beat this leader of the Australian Labor Party in an election that saw Abbott take office as prime minister

Who is Kevin Rudd?


In 1986, ABC was sold to Capital Cities Communications- Around the same time, it began to air shows like Roseanne, NYPD BLue, and AFV, which is now hosted by this "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" actor

Who is Alfonso Ribeiro?

The abdomen, is of course, home to abdominal organs, such as this thin membrane, which line the entire abdominal cavity and covers most the abdominal organs.

What is the peritoneum?
