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The rebirth of the culture of ancient Greece and Rome
What is the Renaissance?
A protest to reform the Catholic Church which led to the separation of the Catholic Church and the Protestant Churches
What is the Protestant Reformation?
He is considered to be the ideal Renaissance man, as he is known for his master work as a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician
Who is Leonardo de Vinci?
He is best remembered for his statue of David and his painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Who is Michelangelo?
A. it was an urban society that took on a more worldly, secular – or non-religious – view B. it was a time of recovery from the disasters of the 14th century with an emphasis on a renewed interest in Greek and Roman culture C. it was a time where an emphasis was placed on individual ability
What is the characteristics of the Italian Renaissance?
Based on the study of the classics of Greece and Rome, this was the study of grammar, rhetoric, poetry, moral philosophy, and history
What is Humanism?
Certificates that released an individual from all or part of the punishment for a sin
What are Indulgences?
He was the father of humanism and was best known for his pursuit in finding lost Latin manuscripts We also debated the usefulness of the liberal arts in today’s society given the wide range of technologies used in society
Who is Petrarch?
He wrote Divine Comedy, a work in the Italian vernacular which told the story of a soul’s journey to salvation
Who is Dante?
Popes focusing on political and military matters rather than spirituality, the use of money for non-Church matters, the uneducated priests within the Church, and the sale of indulgences
What are the problems in the Catholic Church at that time?
This was a field of study that enabled individuals to live a life of virtue and to reach their full potential
What are Liberal Studies?
The concept that God had determined in advance who would be saved and who would be damned
What is Predestination?
He wrote The Prince in which he discussed his main theory of how to acquire and keep political power, in that the “ends justify the means;” Machiavelli believed that a ruler should assume that all people act in a self-centered way, that the whole of society was more important than the individual in society, and that an effective ruler must be willing to let his conscience sleep
Who is Niccolo Machiavelli?
He was a Flemish painter who was among the first to use oil paints and paint scenes of everyday life
Who is Jan Van Eyck?
The lack of a single, strong ruler and the power of each individual city-state
What are the reasons the Italian States failed to unify?
These were Luther’s main criticisms of the Church and, in particular, his criticism of the sale of indulgences
What is the 95 Thesis?
Also known as the Society of Jesus, they were missionaries who tried to win converts back to the Catholic Church
Who are Jesuits?
He wrote The Praise of Folly in which he criticized the Church and focused on the philosophy of Christ, in which he believed that the Church should show people how to live good lives on a daily basis
Who is Erasmus?
He was a monk and professor whose main teachings were justification by faith, the Bible being the main source of religious truth, and the church being a community of believers
Who is Martin Luther?
A. nobles are born, not made, with character, grace, and talent B. nobles must possess to skills: the abilities of a warrior and a classical education C. nobles must follow a standard of conduct and should not hide their achievements but show them with grace
What are Baldassare Castiglione’s characteristics of a Renaissance noble?
This was the Council of Church leaders which met on and off for 18 years and which upheld the teachings of the Catholic Church, though they did forbid the selling of indulgences
What is the Council of Trent?
They believed that a church could only be made up of adult believers and were the first to stress the concept of the separation of church and state
Who are Anabaptists?
He was the founder of the Calvinist Church and believed in justification by faith, as Luther did, but put his emphasis on the all-powerful nature of God and the idea of predestination
Who is John Calvin?
He was the German monk who was known for selling indulgences with the slogan “as soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs”
Who is Johhan Tetzel?
The use of oil paints; use of the fresco; laws of perspective like shading, light source, and the use of the vanishing point; and the use of realism in painting human anatomy
What are the new art techniques of the Renaissance?