The only Central American country to speak english.
What is Belize?
This country held the first world cup and won the first world cup.
What is Uruguay?
The largest city in Africa is in this country
What is Nigeria?
This country is known for westling control of the waves and owning half the earth at one point in time
What is the UK?
These two Asian countries used to be one country, but since WWII have been separated as North and South .
What to do about Nemo's fin...
National Bird is the Scarlet Macaw
What is Chile?
This southern African Country has three capitals and two enclaves in it
What is South africa?
This country has two enclaves, and is known for their culture and geography
What is Italy?
This country used to be another, but switched in 1991 after pressure. The kremlin is located here aswell
What is Russia?
the (______) Canal was built here
What is Panama?
Shakira was born here
What is Colombia?
2 of the African countries we learned speak English as their official language. What are they?
Nigeria & Kenya
This country used to be the home center for the vikings and their empire across the ocean back in the middle ages
What is Denmark, Norway, or Sweden?
This country is one of the most powerful countries currently, and has multiple SPY BALLOONS
What is China?
Bacon across chest
Isla Nublar of Jurassic Park was set in this country
This country has had a lot of inflation rates and riots, but also has Angel falls, the worlds highest waterfall
What is Venezuela?
What country's capital is Cairo?
This European country doesn't have mosquitos
This Country was split by South and north during the (_______) War
What is Vietnam?
Pain in the shoulder... stabbed
This smaller nation was once at war with a neighboring country over football (Soccer)
What is El Salvador?
Holds the record for the world's longest hotdog
The movie Gladiator was filmed here...
The capital of this country is called Sofia
What is Bulgaria?
This Island Country is located on the Largest Archipelago in the world.
What is Malaysia?
3 bouncing on fist