Conflict and Cooperation
Migration and Consumption
Trade and Globalization
____________ are reasons why people emigrate from a country. Examples are war, persecution, poverty. ____________ are reasons why people immigrate to a country. Examples are better jobs, more opportunities.
What are: Push Factors, Pull Factors
The three TYPES of of regions geographers use to classify the world
What are physical, cultural, and political regions
the cause of the split between Islam and Judaism
What is... the Jews believed Abraham's son, Isaac, was sacrificed in Jerusalem showing devotion to God. The Muslims believed Abraham's son, Ishmael, was sacrificed in Jerusalem showing devotion to God. Isaac and Ishmael were believed to be important figures for each religion.
the difference between a developed and developing country
What is: developed countries have high GDP's, good economies, stable governments, many conveniences
a worldwide society where countries trade goods, services, technology, communication, and jobs with each other through free trade
What is... globalization
the difference between an ethnic group and a linguistic group
What is... an ethnic group includes people who share the same culture. A linguistic group includes people who share the same language.
regions that divide the world based on similar landforms and bodies of water
What are physical regions
____________ the name of the city in Israel that the Jews and Muslims have been fighting over for thousands of years
What is Jerusalem
per capita GDP shows us ____________.
What is the average amount of products consumed per person in a country in a year
Explain how sneaker companies are multi-national corporations
What is... Companies like Nike operate in many countries around the world to design and make their products before distributing to many consumers across the world
where a large and powerful country country takes over an area to control its trade and resources
What is... colonialism
regions that divide the world based on similar religions, language, government, or ways of life
What are cultural regions
the reason why oil is considered a non-renewable resource
What is because when all of the oil supply is used up, it will basically be gone forever (It will take thousands of years for oil to reappear underground)
two ways immigration to the United States affects its economy
What is 1- more workers who are willing to take low skilled, low wage jobs. 2 - more legal immigrants paying taxes
The ability to sell and buy goods and services across national and international borders with little governmental control
What is... free trade
a world wide society where countries trade products, services, goods, technology, and communication with each other
What is... globalization
regions that divide the world based on political boundaries to create countries and states
What are political regions
describe three renewable resources and what makes them renewable
What is: the sun - it rises and sets every day, wind - it is always present, trees - you can replant what you use
describe brain drain and how it affects a country
What is when an educated person in a country migrates to another country to use their skills and knowledge aquired while they were in school. It affects the country in which they went to school because that country paid for this person to get their knowledge and skills and did not get the benefits of that person using their education in that country.
Give an example of economic interdependence
Answer up to teacher
The total amount of goods and services produced by a country in a year
What is... Gross Domestic Product
why geographers divide the world into regions
What is: to make it easier to study, to organize the earth's surface, to classify areas according to their similarities
Describe two reasons why religion and resources can lead to both conflict and cooperation
What is 1 - different beliefs in religion can lead to conflict over land and ways of life. 2 - Because the world depends on oil, it forces countries to cooperate with each other so oil can be shared
two negative effects of consumption
What is 1 - pollution, 2 - running out of nonrenewable resources
two positive and negative effects of globalization
Positive: through advanced technology, people across the world are increasingly having an equal chance to compete for jobs, many products are cheaper Negative: more pollution, child labor