Match these Holy text with each religion.
Quran, Torah, and Bible.
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
What country was Nelson Mandela from?
South Africa
Who are the untouchables in India?
They are not apart of the caste system and do the jobs that are "spiritually polluting".
Genghis Khan was a ruler from this country.
What two cities were hit by nuclear bombs in WW2?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
What country is Mecca and Medina in today?
Saudi Arabia
Dutch word for "apartness". This system segregated people in South Africa.
This religion teaches the four noble truth and the eightfold path.
What are these and why were they created?
Terracotta warriors. They were used as a memorial to an emperor and to have his imperial gaurd in the afterlife.
What is considered the world's oldest religion.
Match each religion with its place of worship.
Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
Synagog, church, and a mosque
This man made a pilgrimage to medina and was very very rich.
Mansa Musa.
This is how many Gods are worshiped in Sikhism.
The system of government where everyone is forced to be equal.
What goods moved where in the slave trade.
Slaves to Americas.
Raw goods to Europe.
Manufactured goods to Africa.
What is a major goal of islamic extremist groups in the middle east?
To rid the middle east of "Western influences
The Berlin conference did what?
It divided Africa in many colonies where Europeans could control certain area. For example cutting up the cake.
Name the jobs of each Caste system in order. Write it down separately.
Priests, warriors, merchants, peasants, and the untouchables.
Name two reason why Japan wanted to build an empire.
1. To become a world power.
2. To gain natural resources.
The extension of a nation's power over other lands through political,economic, or military means.
Write each answer separately. What are the five pillars of Islam.
Profession of faith and testimonies
These two men were the most famous explorers in Africa.
David Livingstone and Henry Stanley
Gandhi Protested injustices in these three ways. Write each down individually.
The Salt March, hunger strikes, and homespun fabric.
Write each answer separately. Explain to the best of your ability what the mandate of heaven is.
The heavens approve or disapprove of an emperor. Can be removed from natural disasters and floods.
Who was Chiang-Kai-Shek
He was the nationalist leader in China. His party would move into Taiwan after the war.