Ancient Civilization
Roman Republic and Empire
Medieval Civilization
Roman Catholic Church vs. Protestanism
Medieval Ways of Life

God used Cyrus the Great of this empire to free the Israelites from Babylon.

What was the Persian Empire?


Roman laws written on tablets, hung in Roman Forum for everyone to see, and served as the foundation of Roman Civil Laws.

What was the Law of Twelve Tables?


They preserved Roman and Greek language, literature, ways of life, and laws in the east.  

What was the Byzantine Empire?


Special church court commissioned by the popes to stamp out heresy using tortures and burning to death.

What is inquisition?

The enlightening movement in the late Medieval period that was brought on by the revival of trade and people who focused on man's abilities and glory instead of God's.

What was the Renaissance?


God used Sargon II of this empire to punish the Israelites by destroying Samaria and took Israel captive.

What was the Assyrian Empire?


The three branches of early Roman Republic

What were the Consuls, the Senate, and the Assembly of Centuries?


Began their military conquests to gain wealth and unity but was stopped from crossing over to Europe in the Battle of Tours.

What was the Islamic Empire?


This division in the Roman Catholic Church led medieval people to see it as representative of who God was and fallible.

What was the Great Schism?


Group of people who believed that ignorance was the source of evil and education was the remedy for sins.

Who were the medieval humanists?


God used Nebuchadnezzar of this empire to destroy Jerusalem in 586 BC and led to the Dispora of the Israelites.    

What was the Chaldean or Babylonian Empire?


Trade control conflict with Carthage led to these series of war.  

What were the Punic Wars? 


Charlemagne the Great was the king of this kingdom and was crowned Charles Augustus by the pope.

What was the Frankish kingdom?


Spiritual movement that tried to use reason to better understand God's revelation in Scripture.

What was Scholarsticism?


Organizations who regulated business activities of towns as they continued to grow and prosper.

What were guilds?


This empire contributed hieroglyphics, mummification,  early advances in medicine, anatomy, and astrology, and knowledge of architecture and geometry to the world.  

What was Egypt?


Failure to deal with reforms for the poor as Senate overpowered the Tribal of Assembly led to these series of war?

What were the Roman Civil Wars?

Alfred the Great defeated the Danes or Scandinavian Vikings in the 9th century and unified this nation-state?

What was England?


Regarded as the Reformation Forerunner who denounced the Roman Catholic Church immoral practices and wrong teachings very early on and complete the translation of the first English Bible.

Who was John Wycliffe?


New social class besides nobility and peasants, who enjoyed freedom and wealth.

What was the middle class?


Nickname "the crossroads of civilization," this empire possessed the land link between Asia and Africa and for much of ancient time especially during when Jesus walked the earth, its language was spoken everywhere.  

What was Syria?


He won the Battle of Actium against Mark Antony and Cleopatra, became Roman Augustus, and led Rome into a period known as Pax Romana.

Who was Octavius Caesar?


Louis the German, son of Charlemagne, inherited East Frankland, which later developed into this empire after King Otto I came to Rome and pope crowned him as a Roman Emperor in 926 AD.

What was the Holy Roman Empire or Germany?


List of grievances posted by Martin Luther on 1517 to protest the Roman Catholic Church practices and teachings.

What were the 95 theses?


Self-containing farming unit controlled by lords and farmed by serfs or peasants in medieval feudalism.

What were manors?
