Early Civilizations and India
China and Japan
Abrahamic Religions
Middle East and Africa
Medieval Europe
Medieval Europe II
Renaissance Europe

Which of the following is NOT a main feature of civilizations?

a. Arts and Architecture

b. Complex religion

c. Type of government

d. Transportation systems

d. Transportation systems


Which of the following Japanese social classes would follow the code of Bushido?

a. A monk

b. A kami

c. A sword maker

d. A samurai

d. A samurai


The man considered to be the patriarch of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is:

a. Abraham.

b. David.

c. Jesus.

d. Moses.

a. Abraham.


What created a divide between Sunni and Shia Muslims?

a. The disagreement over who would be the next caliph

b. The argument over who would rule Jerusalem

c. The fight over who would control North Africa

d. How much money Muslims have to donate for Zakat

a. The disagreement over who would be the next caliph


Which of the following civilizations were major influences on early Rome?

a. Muslim and Greek

b. Etruscan and Greek

c. Byzantine and French

d. Christian and French

b. Etruscan and Greek


This is a system of government in which loyalty is given in return for land.

a. Aristocracy

b. Democracy

c. Feudalism

d. Meritocracy

c. Feudalism


Which of the following is the term that describes the land given to a knight for his service?

a. Fief

b. Fealty

c. Vassal

d. Serf

a. Fief



Renaissance” means ________________:

a. Renounce 

b. Rebirth

c. To turn again

d. Of the people

b. Rebirth


What was the earliest civilization in India?

a. The Indus Valley Civilization

b. The Delhi Sultanate

c. The Mughal Dynasty

d. The Aryan Civilization


a. The Indus Valley Civilization


What is it called when a custom or idea is adopted or absorbed from another country?

a. Ethnic Dispersion

b. Selective Borrowing

c. Cultural Theft

d. Influential Suggestion

b. Selective Borrowing


In his teachings, Jesus:

a. Called for the overthrow of Rome.

b. Emphasized earthly rewards.

c. Rejected Hebrew religious beliefs. 

d. Stressed compassion for people.

d. Stressed compassion for people.


The journey Muhammad and his followers made from Mecca to Medina is called the _____.

a. Zakah

b. Hijra

c. Sophia

d. Silk Road


b. Hijra


Which of the following was not a cause for the fall of Rome?

a. The Huns drove the Goths into Rome

b. There was unstable leadership

c. The cities were weakened by the Black Death

d. The empire was weak from too much expansion

c. The cities were weakened by the Black Death


What were peasants called who were farmers during the Middle Ages?

a. Freemen

b. Vassals

c. Pages

d. Serfs

d. Serfs


The church had great power over people during the Middle Ages because:

a. It provided them with education

b. It protected them in times of warfare

c. It decided who could achieve salvation

d. It controlled food production

c. It decided who could achieve salvation


Martin Luther wrote ________________.

a. An Institute of Religion

b. The Canterbury Tales

c. On the Rotation of the Heavenly Spheres

d. The 95 Theses


d. The 95 Theses 


Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Indian caste system?

a. Jobs were filled without regard to caste.

b. Marriages between castes were encouraged

c. People could easily move out of their caste by doing good deeds.

d. Birth determined a person’s status.

d. Birth determined a person’s status.


Which of the following best describes the Mandate of Heaven?

a. The demands that the nobility made of the peasants

b. The belief in an afterlife

c. The belief that the gods give dynastic leaders the power to rule.

d. The belief that people could communicate with the gods

c. The belief that the gods give dynastic leaders the power to rule.


Early Christianity appealed to many people because it:

a. Allowed women to become bishops.

b. Called for an end to the Roman Empire.

c. Promised eternal life.

d. Allowed people to follow mystery religions.

c. Promised eternal life.


The large cube-shaped building in Mecca is known as the ________.

a. Medina

b. Shiite

c. House of Idols

d. Kaaba

d. Kaaba


What were the system of bridges and tunnels used to bring fresh water into Rome from the mountains?

a. Aqueducts

b. Boreros

c. Chinampas

d. Hadrian’s Wall

a. Aqueducts


Europe became a feudal society because: 

a. The rarity of cash required land to be used as payment for services.

b. Europeans needed to defend themselves against constant raids and invasions.

c. Overpopulation required a more efficient agricultural system.

d. People like to dress up in armor and live in castles.  

a. The rarity of cash required land to be used as payment for services.


What was the chief goal of the Crusades?

a. To defeat the Hindus

b. To conquer England

c. The liberate Spain

d. To conquer the Holy Land

d. To conquer the Holy Land


Luther criticized the Roman Catholic Church for:

a. Selling indulgences.

b. Translating the Bible into German.

c. Preaching forgiveness.

d. Believing in the Bible.

a. Selling indulgences. 


The overland trade routes between Asia and Europe were known as _______.

a. The Silk Road 

b. The High Plains of Profit

c. The Gold Highway

d. The River of Sorrows

a. The Silk Road 


Han Fei Zi founded: 

a. Buddhism

b. Daoism

c. Legalism

d. Confucianism

c. Legalism


Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Faith in Islam?

a. Hajj – pilgrimage to Mecca

b. Salaz- confirmation

c. Zakat- giving to charity

d. Shahada- profession of faith

b. Salaz- confirmation


The most valuable trade goods in West Africa were  _______ and ________.

a. Cheese and meats

b. Iron and Cloth

c. Salt and Gold

d. Rice and corn

c. Salt and Gold


The 200-year period when peace, order, and prosperity flourished in Ancient Rome is known as the:

a. Republic.

b. Pax Romana.

c. Punic Wars.

d. Aqueduct.

b. Pax Romana.


Which statement best describes the manor system?

a. A manor was created to be self-sufficient

b. Life on a manor was well-organized only in time of war

c. A great deal of trading went on between neighboring manors

d. The lord and the lady of the manor had few responsibilities

a. A manor was created to be self-sufficient


The Magna Carta, signed by King John in 1215:

a. Limited the rights of nobles.

b. Increased the power of the Church

c. Increased the power of peasants.

d. Limited the rights of the king.

d. Limited the rights of the king.


The Roman Catholic Church reacted to Luther’s ideas by:

a. Adapting Church doctrine.

b. Spreading them to non-Christians.

c. Sentencing him to death.

d. Excommunicating him.

d. Excommunicating him.


What is the cycle of rebirth, death, and suffering in Hinduism and Buddhism?

a. Samsara

b. Shiva

c. Hakuna Ma Ta Ta

d. Ahimsa

a. Samsara


Which of the following is NOT one of the 5 relationships of Confucianism?

a. Father to Son

b. Eldest Brother to Younger Brother

c. Friend to Friend 

d. Cousin to Cousin

d. Cousin to Cousin


During Ramadan, Muslims are required to do what if they are physically able?

a. Fast from sunrise to sunset

b. Pray from sunrise to sunset

c. Wear a veil as a show of respect for Allah

d. Make a pilgrimage to Medina

a. Fast from sunrise to sunset


Which of the following is true about the city of Timbuktu?

a. Timbuktu was a cultural center for trade and learning.

b. Timbuktu has always been the greatest city in Africa.

c. Timbuktu was the center of all religion in Africa.

d. Timbuktu was only known for its giant salt mines.

a. Timbuktu was a cultural center for trade and learning.


This is the code of behavior expected of knights:

a. Bushido

b. Chivalry

c. Myabi

 d. Justification by Faith

b. Chivalry


Which event killed at least 1/3 of Europe’s population and marked the beginning of the Renaissance?

a. The Fall of Rome

b. The Hundred Years War

c. The Crusades

d. The Black Plague

d. The Black Plague


What was the military leader called during the period of Japanese feudalism?

a. Samurai

b. Shogun

c. Daimyo

d. General

b. Shogun


Which of the following resulted from Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca?

a. Peace and order disappeared.

b. Mansa Musa converted to Islam.

c. A war between Mali and Egypt.

d. Political and economic ties were formed with Muslim states.

d. Political and economic ties were formed with Muslim states.
