Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Important People
Short Answer 1
Short Answer 2

This term means a government established by divine authority

What is theocracy

This term means the dominant social system in Medieval Europe, in which the nobility held the lands from the Crown in exchange for military service

What is feudalism


This person was Plato's most established pupil who categorized over 500 animals creating the study of zoology. 

Who is Aristotle


What is prehistory?

The time before writing developed


What are the 6 basic characteristics of civilizations?

Cities, religion, government, social structure, writing, art


This term means an administrative organization that relies on nonelective officials and regular procedures

What is bureaucracy


This uniform system of law was developed in England based on court decisions and on customs and usage rather than on written law codes

What is common law


This person established the council and creed of Nicaea

Who is Theodosius


What are two Egyptian accomplishments?

Pyramids, 365-day calendar


What is Christianity according to Merriam Webster?

The religion derived from Jesus Christ that is based on the Bible as the sacred scripture


This term means the process for temporarily banning ambitious politicians from the city by popular vote

What is ostracism


This term means representative government that emerged and was composed of two knights from every county, two people from every town, and all nobles and bishops throughout England

What is Parliament


This group of people favored cooperation with Rome

Who are the Sadducees


What are two elements of Roman Religion?

Polythiestic and Rituals were peformed by priests and priestesses


What is the Code of Hammurabi?

A strict code of laws that applies "an eye for an eye" or the punishment fits the crime


This school of thought was developed by Zeno in Hellenistic Athens and promotes happiness through inner peace

What is stoicism


This term refers to a group of independent villages organized into clans led by a local ruler or clan head without any central government

What is a stateless society


This person was a conqueror who believed in cultural diffusion and expanded Greek culture through parts of Macedonia, Asia Minor, and North Africa

Who is Alexander the Great


What are thw two mathematical contributions made by Arabic and Islamic tribes?

Algebra & Arabic Numerical System


What 3 things occurred during the rise of Christianity?

Jesus’s mission was to complete the salvation God had promised to Israel. 

Roman authorities ordered Jesus’s crucifixion to end a perceived threat of revolution against Rome.

Early apostles of Christianity preached the words of Jesus, wrote accounts, and established churches.


This series of wars took place between Persia and the Greek states during the period of 499BC to 479BC

What is the Persian War


When differences and rivalries led to this war between Athens and Sparta

What is the Peloponnesian War


This group of people lived apart from society and waited for God to save Israel from oppression

Who are the Essenes


What are the 5 Pillars of Islam?

Belief (faith), prayer, charity (almsgiving), fasting, pilgrimage (hajj)


Give me three ways that geography influenced the societies in East Africa.

Africa, the largest continent, includes several distinct geographic zones and four distinct climate zones.

The landforms and climate zones influence farming and herding.

The mild climate of the northern coast and southern tip are most conducive to farming and herding.
