He started the Protestant Reformation in 1517 by nailing his problems with the church on a door
Martin Luther
This was the first of the Atlantic Revolutions
American Revolution - 1775-1783
The Industrial Revolution began in this country
Great Britain
India was controlled by this large empire
British Empire
This country was blamed for WWI
Martin Luther was most concerned about this practice of the Catholic Church that included paying money to avoid time in Hell after death
This was the first major event of the French Revolution
The storming of the Bastille
This was the first type of goods that was transformed by the Industrial Revolution
The term to describe the area that an empire takes over
Type of fighting common in WWI that was defined by large holes in the ground that men stayed in the stay safe from gas and machine guns
Trench Warfare
People that opposed the Catholic Church and sided with Martin Luther were called this
He took over France and ruled as dictator and then emperor
Napoleon Bonaparte
This device allowed long distance travel without the need for horses
Steam engines/ also trains
The United States defeated this country in a war in 1898 to claim Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines
The MAIN causes of WWI
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism
This incredibly long war led to millions of dead in Germany and across Europe but it allowed more religious freedom
Thirty Years War 1618-1648
The Latin American Revolutions occurred in this continent
South America
The Industrial Revolution led to horrible working conditions for
Women, children, the poor, and almost all workers
The race between countries to control Africa in the 19th century
Scramble for Africa
Treaty that ended WWI
Treaty of Versailles
This was the Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation from 1545-1563
The Council of Trent
This man led the Haitian Revolution
He invented the assembly line
Henry Ford
This event led Japan to start conquering Asia to keep up with the West
Meiji Restoration
President of the United States during WWI
Woodrow Wilson