What was the social hierarchy of Mesopotamia? What was the social status of women?
Women had more rights than women in later civilizations, but they were still mainly subordinate. The social hierarchy was: kings/nobility, priests, merchants and artisans, farmers and peasants, and slaves.
What was the political structure in Egypt?
Egypt had a highly centralized and hierarchical government. The Pharaoh was the supreme ruler, with full control.
How did Egyptian culture influence thee Kingdom of Kush?********
Egyptian deities, customs, language, art, architecture, government, preists, and soldiers influenced Kush.
What are the major beliefs and practices of Buddhism?
Practices: Meditation, ethical conduct, monastic communities, karma, dharma, and the sangha.
Beliefs: Karma, Dharma, Nirvana, the 4 Noble Truths, The Noble Eightfold Path, reincarnation.
What is the Mandate of Heaven and what are its advantages?
The Mandate of Heaven was a concept invented by the Zhou in China. It was the divine approval thought to be the basis of authority. This allowed the people of the Zhou to see if they were being led by a trustworthy and good ruler.
How did Hammurabi's code promote inequality?
Hammurabi knew that to keep social order, he needed to unify a diverse amount of people. He created a law code that gave different punishments based on gender, wealth, age, and caste. EX: If it kills the son of the owner, the son of that builder shall be put to death.
What was the social structure like in ancient Egypt?
1) Pharaohs.
2) Wealthy landowners, priests, and government officials.
3) Merchants and Artisans.
4) Farmers and Peasants.
5) Slaves.
What were the main exports of the Harrapan Civilization? *******
Beads and jewelry, cotton textiles, wheat, barely, dates, cotton, and pottery.
What are the major beliefs and practices of Hinduism?
Practices: yoga, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma, Moksha, enlightenment.
Beliefs: Samsara, Karma, Dharma, the Vedas.
What was the effect of China's natural geographic isolation on its civilizational development?
China's natural geographic isolation encouraged a more independently developed civilization with little interaction with other civilizations.
What was Hammurabi's Code and why was it significant?
Hammurabi's Code is one of the oldest and most famous law codes. Hammurabi, a king of Babylon created it it. It is so significant because it because it promoted administration and social order. It also greatly impacted many future law codes.
What were the technological advancements of Ancient Egypt?*****
Some technological advancements in ancient Egypt include mathematics, medicine, astronomy, irrigation, and architecture (pyramids, temples).
What were the main imports of the Indus Valley Civilization and where did they come from?***********
Afghanistan: Tin, gold, silver, lapis lazuli.
Iran: Tin.
China: Jade.
Persia: Turquoise.
South India: Semi-precious metals, lead, copper.
Himalayas: wood.
What are the similarities between Buddhism and Hinduism?
Buddhism and Hinduism are two very different religions, but they do have some similarities: Karma, Dharma, reincarnation, ethical lifestyles, and zen.
What were the cultural and technological advancements of the Shang?
Jade Discs, Bronze Vessels (and other complex bronze objects), Oracle Bones, a central language, and the Longshan Culture.
What technological inventions in Mesopotamia had a major impact?************
Some Mesopotamian inventions that had a major impact on Mesopotamia and later civilizations include writing, art and architecture, the sail, the wheel, the plow, irrigation, bronze (the bronze age began in Sumer), mathematics, astronomy, law codes, and metallurgy.
What were the effects of the Nile River on Egypt?
The Nile River provided fertile land, extended trade routes, and the development of sophisticated and complex irrigation systems. The fertile land provided a steady food source, leading to a bigger population and the development of major cities. The Nile also provided a centralized government and natural barriers and resources for the Egyptians.
What were the technological advancements of the Harrapan Civilization?**
Water Management: The Harrapans were the first people to have a sophisticated drainage and toilet system.
Urban Planning: All the cities were organized in a grid pattern, with a citadel in the center. The citadel held the main granary, the graet bath, and the assembly hall.
What are the differences between Buddhism and Hinduism?
Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, while Buddhism believes in no gods, instead the Buddha. They also have different beliefs. For example, Buddhism believes in enlightenment, Nirvana, the 4 Noble Truths, and the Noble Eightfold Path, while Hinduism believes in elaborate rituals and festivals, Brahman, and samsara.
What were the social and political characteristics of the Zhou Dynasty?
Feudalism, the Mandate of Heaven, and a decentralized government.
How did the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers affect the development of Mesopotamia?
The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers provided extremely fertile farming land. This allowed the invention of irrigation. The rivers allowed trade with faraway civilizations and led to cultural diffusion. This impacted the culture and religion of Mesopotamia. Because of the extended trade and surpluses, the Mesopotamian population grew.
How did Egypt interact with The Kushites, Libyans, and Hittites?
Hittites: Warfare (Ramses II signed the Treaty of Kadesh, the world's oldest treaty).
Libyans: Successful trade, periods of small conflict (Kandakes took over the New Kingdom).
Kushites: Successful trade and peace (Kushites ended up ruling Egypt for 25 years).
How did the Indus River basin affect the development of the Indus River Valley Civilization?
The Indus River basin provided fertile farming land for the Harrapans. This led to a food surplus, then population growth, specialization, and social stratification. Specialization allowed large cities, like Harrapa and Mohenjo Daro to be built, allowing centers of trade and commerce.
What time period and events does the Vedic Age refer to?
The Vedic age refers to the transition from pastoral to agrarian societies in India. It is named after the Vedas, the oldest Hindu text.
What were the effects of the Yellow River on the Yellow River Valley Civilizations?
The floods from the Yellow River were a blessing and a curse. They could wipe out an entire civilization. However, when flooded the Yellow River left behind loess, allowing fertile farming land and a steady water and food source. It also allowed China to be able to trade with other civilizations.