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How to Study History
Biblical Worldview in History
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HIS Story

This visual note-taking technique uses branches and diagrams to connect ideas, showing relationships between concepts.

What is Mind-Mapping?


These records produced during the time being studied offer firsthand accounts of historical events.

What are primary sources?


This doctrine refers to the belief that God has planned all of human history according to His will.

What is divine providence?


This principle teaches that every person is unique and created in God's image, with a distinct purpose. It highlights that God's design for humanity is to exhibit unique traits that reflect His character, such as creativity.

What is God's Principle of Individuality?


This term for "HIS Story" refers to the belief that God directs and influences the course of human events.

What is Providential History?


This note-taking method divides the page into two columns: a narrow one for cues or keywords, and a wider one for detailed notes, with a summary section at the bottom.

What is the Cornell Method?


This type of historical analysis involves assessing the strengths and weaknesses of various sources to create a coherent narrative.

What is historical synthesis?


According to a biblical worldview, this three-part framework explains the state of the world and humanity's condition.

What are Creation, Fall, and Redemption?


This principle emphasizes the importance of individuals governing themselves according to God's law, reflecting His image in personal responsibility and decision-making.

What is the Principle of Self-Government?


That meaning of the abbreviation B.C. which is the designation of the first 4004 years.

What is Before Christ?


This note-taking method organizes information hierarchically, with main topics on the left and subtopics indented underneath them.

What is the Outline Method?


This is the process by which historians interpret historical sources to derive meaning and understanding from past events.

What is historical interpretation?


This aspect of studying history reminds Christians to maintain an optimistic perspective, believing in God’s overarching plan.

What is historical optimism?


According to this principle, individuals who follow Biblical truth develop virtues such as integrity, humility, and faithfulness, forming the basis of godly leadership.

What is the Principle of Christian Character?


That Latin phrase and English translation of the abbreviation A.D. which is the designation of the last 2024 years.

What is Anno Domini/In the Year of Our Lord?


This poor note-taking practice involves writing down every word the teacher says without summarizing or organizing the information.

What is verbatim note-taking?


This type of resource includes documents, letters, and records that explain or analyze primary sources.

What are secondary sources?


The belief that all historians make these types of judgments as they interpret events reflects their underlying worldview and ethical considerations.

What are moral judgments?


A student asked to use the bathroom three times during class and missed several key points of the lecture, which resulted in that student failing the test for not properly practicing this principle.

What is Self-Government?


A visual representation of God's hand in history throughout time.

What is a Providential Timeline?


This practice involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and remembering what is being said, ensuring effective communication and comprehension. It is difficult to do if you are writing everything verbatim.

What is active listening?


Historians rely on this form of tradition, which passes information through word of mouth from generation to generation.

What is Oral Tradition?


This type of "Truth" is a contradiction on its own, stating "there is no absolute truth."

What is Relative Truth?


A student failed to follow this principle when he/she called another student "stupid" for taking a different style of notes than others.

What is God's Principle of Individuality?


This approach to studying history focuses on human actions and natural causes, excluding divine influence or religious explanations.

What is Secular History?
