What major commodity came from China, which had a monopoly on the good due to protective laws that made it illegal to share its trade secrets?
What animal made it possible for bedouins and nomadic merchants to travel across the Sahara?
The Camel
Cultural Diffusion
Ghana, Mali, and Songhai accumulated massive amounts of wealth by taxing the trade of these two goods.
This country was so complex and well-run that when other countries had weak, decentralized governments, they were heavily involved in regulating the cultivation of food, manufacturing, and trade.
He was born Temüjin, his father was killed and his family expelled. He murdered his half-brother during a dispute over food. He was then abducted and spent time as a slave, until becoming a formidable warrior, and rose to power as the uniter of the steppe confederations.
Gengkis Khan
The Sogdians of Central Asia established the lingua franca of the Silk Road, which was a common what?
This series of conflicts that occurred between Muslims and Christians contributed to the increased interaction, trade, and exchange of ideas between Europe and Asia.
The Crusades
Merchants in the Indian Ocean used their knowledge of these in order to sail at certain times of the year.
This city, the capital of the Mali Empire, became the center for Islamic trade and learning.
This major innovation contributed to the Portuguese conquest of African and Islamic coastal communities.
The Mongols success, European agriculture, the conquest of conquistadors, and Great Plain Native American livelihood was heavily dependent this animal.
This empire revitalized the Silk Road and made it safer for merchants to travel in the 13th and 14th centuries.
The Mongol Empire
Besides trade, one of the major reasons for travel prior to 1450 was Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus visiting religious sites. What is the term for someone who takes a journey to a sacred place for religious purposes?
This religion spread into India and established a state known as the Delhi sultanate; it also spread into Southeast Asia and became the dominant religion among many countries in the region.
The Chinese expected countries within their realm to kowtow to the empire and provide gifts as a form of this.
Religious syncretism occurred in Southeast Asia when this major religion merged with local customs and traditions to form the branchs of Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana.
What commonality did Islamic communities and the Mongol Empire have in regards to religious minorities?
First refined in India, then spread by muslims as a potential medicine, then discovered by Crusaders; what incredibly popular cash crop was cultivated on colonial American plantations, specifically in the Caribbean?
During the Siege of Baghdad, what major library and center of Islamic learning was destroyed, ending the Islamic Golden Age.
House of Wisdom
Caste System (Strict Social Classes)
Mansa Musa
This barbaric practice that women were forced to do in China was a product of the patriarchy to demonstrate that a woman's value was based on her appearance.
In the Siege of Kaffa, the Mongols utilized one of the earliest examples of this kind of warfare.
The Silk Roads dramatically declined after the Ottoman Empire captured what major Byzantine city, and landbridge bewteen Europe and Asia?
Jizya was an example of this, which is the main source of revenue earned by governments to fulfill obligations and services to their citizens.
The astrolabe, compass, lateen sails, dhows, junks, and caravels all contributed to the increase in what kind of trade?
The merging of Arabic and Bantu created this language used in coastal city-states along Eastern Africa.
One of the few examples of social mobility during the period, this allowed for Chinese citizens to demonstrate their skills and knowledge of Confucian ideas, and potentially earn a job in government.
The Civil Service Exam
Marco Polo
Fleas and Rats
The first word of the Quran that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad was iqra (read, learn, and understand). The rates for this were high in dar al-Islam compared to Europe because muslims built libraries and madrasa (universities) as part of their commitment to learn.
Mansa Musa spent so much gold that it took over 12 years for the market to recover because everything declined in value. What is it called when the increased supply of money causes prices to rise?
To control its vast empire, China had one of these, a system where decisions are made by administrators and implemented by departments.
When the Mongols massacred cities, they would purposefully not kill a few people and allow them to travel ahead to the next town to share what they had experienced. What tactic is this where the enemy attempts to lower their opponent's morale.
Psychological Warfare
Two monks disguised as emissaries stole silkworms from China in the mid-6th century. From what Eastern European Empire did they come from?
The Byzantine Empire
Kosher for Jews and Halal for Muslims are rules regarding what aspect of their daily lives?
This term means the spread of a people from their homeland. Many communities along the Indian Ocean were established because of this.
Songhai, the last western major kingdom of Western Africa fail to Morocco, who had this as an advantage.
Buddhism often conflicted with this philosophy because it underminded the social political structures it promotoed.
The Mongols were twice prevented from invading this country due to terrible storms that destroyed their fleet.