Monotheistic Religions
Polytheistic Religions
Classical Persia Empire
Classical India Empire
Classical China Dynasties

It is one of the world’s oldest monotheistic (one God) religions, began in the Middle East. In ancient times Jewish people were called Hebrews or Israelite.

What is Judaism


________ is based on the Vedas, the sacred texts and teachings of the Aryans, the ancient people who settled in India around 1500 BCE (3500 years ago). They believe in the Caste system which was a way to rank people in the social order. 

What is Hinduism

Classical Persian empire is modern day what?

What is Middle East


Who was the ruler of the Mauryan Empire from 273 B.C. to 232 B.C. His territory included most of India and parts of what is today Afghanistan and Iran.

Who is King Asoka


What was the longest ruling dynasty in China

What is Zhou Dynasty


In the religion, Jesus is the son of God, and sacrificed himself, dying for everyone’s sins on the cross. It is believed he then rose or came back to life after three days.

What is Christianity


The ultimate goal of   _________ is to reach the state of Nirvana (enlightenment). and liberate oneself from endless reincarnation and suffering.

What is a Buddhism


_________ expanded Persia’s territory by conquering places like Lydia, Babylonia and places along the Indus River.

Who is King Cyrus the Great


The __________ built universities and supported learning, the arts, and literature. Indian scholars excelled at the sciences and mathematics, mathematicians developed the concept of zero, the idea of infinity, and the decimal system. Arabic numerals, used throughout the world today, were first developed in India during this period. Astronomers put forward the idea that the Earth was not fiat, but round and rotated on its own axis. These astronomers calculated the solar year and the shape and movement of bodies in space with remarkable accuracy.

What is Gupta Empire


Chinese emperors added thousands of gov’t workers called ________ to collect taxes, enforce laws, & oversee building projects

What is bureaucrats


This religion was founded in the early seventh century by the Prophet Muhammad. Its followers believe in one god called Allah. The primary religious book of Islam is the Quran.

What is Islam


What was the official religion of the classical Persian Empire?

What is Zoroastrianism 


____________ unified the empire by building a long series of public roads. He introduced a  uniform set of weights, and established important cities. Persia was now  larger than any empire at that time. It stretched more than 3,000 miles  from the Nile River to the Indus River.

Who is King Darius


King Asoka embraced ________ and their belief of non-violence. He changed into a kinder ruler, and built many temples and hospitals to help people. Asoka even built hospitals for animals, which was unheard of back then. No longer interested in war, he started sending missions of goodwill to other countries.

 What is Buddhism


Who was the first emperor of China?

Who is Shi Huangdi


Around 85% of the world's Muslims are _______.

What is Sunni


The importance of obligation to family in ancient Chinese culture is most associated with beliefs that there are 5 basic relationships are: Parent and child, Ruler and Subjects, Husband and Wife, Younger and older siblings, and Friend to Friend.

What is Confucianism 


The Persians were able to control this large empire by dividing into different sections, each section was ruled by a group of men loyal to the Persian King. These men were known as ______

What is Satraps


Chandra Gupta formed the Gupta Empire in _____

What is 320 CE


Which major Chinese Dynasty is responsible for the following accomplishments?

  1. Paper was first manufactured as a writing material
  2. The Silk Road, a series of trade routes to the Mediterranean, was first set up
  3. Buddhism was brought to China from India

What is Han dynasty 


What best describes a difference between Christianity and Judaism

What is Jews that do not believe Jesus Christ was the son of God. 


The Gupta Empire was most notably characterized by its role in the ____________

What is spread of Buddhism


Fall of the Achaemenid Dynasty: The last Persian king, Darius III, was defeated by _________, leading to the dissolution of the empire and its territories being absorbed into the Macedonian Empire.

Who is Alexander the Great


The Huns, a warlike tribe from ________, invaded northeastern India, causing the Gupta Empire to disintegrate into smaller states.

What is Central Asia


The ways of Heaven are not unchangeable;—on the good-doer it sends down all blessings, and on the evil-doer it sends down all miseries. Be virtuous, in small things or in large, and the various regions will have cause for rejoicing. If you are not virtuous, in large things or in small, it will bring the ruin of your ancestral temple.

Original Document Source: Denis Gainty and Walter D. Ward, A History of World Societies, Volume 1 to 1600 (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012), 74–75.

The following exert explains what major aspect of ancient political systems

What is Chinese Mandate of Heaven
