Chapter 31
Chapter 31 cont.
Chapter 32
Chapter 32 cont.
Chapter 33
This process gained momentum during and after WWI but was shifted into top gear following WWII.
What is Decolonization?
This organization of Soviet satellites is commonly referred to as the Communist response to NATO.
What is the Warsaw Pact?
Also known as developing nations, nations outside the capitalist industrial nations and less economically powerful
What are Third World Nations?
Dominant political party in Mexico developed in the 1920s and 1930s; incorporated labor, peasant, military, and middle-class sectors
What is the PRI (Party of the Institutionalized Revolution)?
This type of economy is made up of industrialized nations continued dominance of the world economy, ability of the industrialized nations to maintain economic colonialism without political colonialism.
What is neocolonial economy?
This military technology initially gave leverage to the United States in negotiations before it became a major source for Cold War tension.
What is Nuclear Weaponry?
Though remaining capitalist, many European nations moved toward becoming these after wartime assistance programs were relatively well-received.
What is the Welfare State?
Cuban revolutionary who overthrew Fulgencio Batista in 1958; initiated a series of socialist reforms and came to depend on the Soviet Union
Who is Fidel Castro?
Combined Catholic theology and socialist principles in effort to bring about improved conditions for the poor in Latin America in the 20th century
What is Liberation Theology?
She was prime minister of India, daughter of former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, dominated Indian politics for several decades.
Who is the Indira Gandhi?
This political movement was characterized by its shift away from conventional political habits and its hostility to uncontrolled economic growth.
What is the Green Movement?
This “A” word describes 1st world nations who experienced agricultural advances, industrial revival, and the rise of consumer goods.
What is Affluent?
Nicaraguan socialist movement named after Augusto Sandino; successfully carried out a socialist revolution in Nicaragua during the 1980s
What is the Sandinista Party?
DAILY DOUBLE!!! Term given to governments supported or created by the United States in Central America believed to be either corrupt or subservient to U.S. interests
What are Banana Republics?
He was ANC leader imprisoned by Afrikaner regime; released in 1990 and elected president of South Africa 1994.
Who is Nelson Mandela?
This policy, coupled with the Domino Theory, brought U.S. Intervention in Indochina to a high with the Vietnam War.
What is Containment?
Though discrimination still existed, this “asset” played a key role in increasing female employment in the decades after the War.
What is Education?
Established by Franklin D. Roosevelt for dealing with Latin America in 1933; intended to halt direct intervention in Latin American politics
What is the Good Neighbor Policy?
Elected president of Guatemala in 1944 and began a series of socialist reforms including land reform
Who is Juan Jose Arevalo?
The South African political organization founded to defend African interests, became the ruling political party after the 1994 elections was called.
Who is African National Congress?
Access to abortion, birth control, as well as an increasing focus on career, led, in part, to a decrease in this for Western Civilization.
What is Birth rate?
While the West prospered, much of the Communist world suffered from little political freedom and a poor economy. The cruel practices of Soviet Russia :) are exemplified by this man's work.
What is Solzhenitsyn?
Argentine revolutionary who aided Fidel Castro in overthrow of Fulgencio Batista regime in Cuba and died while directing a guerilla movement in Bolivia in 1967
Who is Ernesto "Che" Guevara?
Begun in 1961 by the US to develop Latin America as an alternative to radical political solutions and saw limited success; failure of development programs led to renewal of direct intervention
What is the Alliance for Progress?
He was a member of the Free Officer Movement who seized power in Egypt in a 1952 military coup, became leader of Egypt, formed a state- directed reforming regime, ousted Britain form the Suez Canal in 1956; most reforms were unsuccessful.
Who is Gamal Abdul Nasser?