Spanish Culture
Italian History
French Pastries
Latin Mythology

The Spanish artist is known for his surrealist paintings, including "Persistence of Memory"

¿Who is Salvador Dali?


The ancient civilization that are known for the Colosseum, aqueducts, and gladiators

Who are the Romans?


This classic French dessert, also known as mille-feuille, consists of layers of puff pastry and pastry cream

What is a Napoleon?


This king of the Roman gods was known as the ruler of the heavens and the god of thunder

Who is Jupiter?


The traditional Spanish music instrument is commonly associated with flamenco music

What is the Spanish guitar?


The Italian explorer sponsored by Spain and is credited with discovering the Americas in 1492

Who is Christopher Columbus?


A French dessert that is made up of a custard base and is topped with a layer of caramelized sugar

What is crème brûlée?


The goddess of love and beauty, known as Aphrodite in Greek mythology

Who is Venus?


The Spanish dish consisting of rice cooked with saffron and various meats and vegetables. It is a staple of Spanish cuisine

What is paella?

The Italian city-state known for trading and maritime dominance during the Renaissance. It is currently sinking and could disappear under the waves within the next 75 years

What is Venice?


This classic French pastry, often filled with cream or fruit, is known for its flaky layers. It is made in a crescent-like shape

What is a croissant?


This Roman god, equivalent to the Greek god Hermes, was the messenger of the gods and the god of commerce, travel, and thieves

Who is Mercury?


The Spanish architect known for his innovative and unconventional designs, included the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

Who is Antoni Gaudi?


The Italian dictator and general that lead the Fascist Party, ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943

Who is Benito Mussolini? 


This traditional French dessert, often served during the holiday season, is a log-shaped sponge cake filled and frosted with chocolate buttercream and often decorated to resemble a yule log

What is bûche de de noël?


This Roman god was the ruler of the underworld and the god of the dead, equivalent to the Greek god Hades

Who is Pluto?


The historic fortress complex in Spain, located in Granada is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a symbol of Moorish culture

What is Alhambra?


The Italian dynasty that ruled Florence during the Renaissance and were known for being extremely wealthy bankers

Who are the Medici family?


The French traditional dessert often associated with the city of Lyon, consists of a pastry shell filled with almond cream and topped with powdered sugar

What is tart aux pralines?


This Roman goddess was the protector of the state and was often depicted with a shield and spear. She was also the daughter of Jupiter and Juno

Who is Minerva?
