In which European city is the Eiffel Tower located?
Which country is the origin of Pad Thai noodles?
Question: What is the name of the large island country off the southeastern coast of Africa?
Question: What is the name of the large celebration that is held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?
Question: What is the name of the chickpea-based dip popular in the Middle East?
What is the main ingredient in the Spanish dish "paella"?
In what country was the practice of Kung fu developed?
Question: What is the name of the language spoken by many people in East Africa?
Question: What is the name of the small filled corn dough pockets that are popular in many central and south American countries?
Question: What is the name of the body of water that separates the Arabian Peninsula from Africa?
Red Sea
What is the name of the large, Russian mountain range that is considered the divide between Europe and Asia?
The Ural Mountains
What is the Korean dish made of fermented vegetables?
Question: What is the name of the ancient Egyptian writing system?
Question: What is the name of the Peruvian dish made with raw fish marinated in citrus juices?
Question: Which major river flows through Iraq? (There are two, name one)
What German food item is a type of sausage?
Question: What is the name of the very famous building in India, that was built as a tomb?
Taj Mahal
Question: What is the largest lake in Africa?
Lake Victoria
Question: What is the name of the Cuban dance and musical style that is very popular in latin america?
Question: What is the name of the pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims are expected to make?
What is the smallest country in Europe?
Vatican City
Question: What is the name of the famous building in Rome where gladiators fought?
The Colosseum
Question: What is the name of the Ethiopian spongy flatbread?
Question: What ancient civilization built the city of Machu Picchu?
Question: What is the name of the grain-based salad with parsley, mint, and tomatoes?