Spanish speakers use this language's name to say they don't understand something
There are over 200 made-up languages
TRUE! Languages like Klingon or Dothraki
This is the most spoken first language in the world.
Mandarin Chinese
Nove navi nuove navigavano
English translation: Nine new ships were sailing
This is the world's most translated document
The Bible
This language is used in English to describe a way of kissing
The most commonly used letter in English is "a"
FALSE! Its "e"
French, Italian qnd Spanish are ________ languages
Romance langauges
Eleven benevolent elephants. (x3)
This is the official language of the US
There is no official language in the US ;)
This language is considered 'dead,' but it lives on in legal, scientific, and medical terms worldwide
There is a language with only one speaker in the world
Tanema is a nearly extinct language of the island of Vanikoro
English, German and Dutch are ________ languages
Germanic languages
Ukhokho wakho wakhokha kakhulu
Xhosa (South Africa)
English translation: Your chicken clucked a lot
The first language spoken in outer space was:
a) English
b) Russian
c) Japanese
Twe two most common languages taught in American schools
Spanish and French
The longest word in the world is a German word
FALSE! It's actually an English word and it is 189,819 letters long
How many sign languages are there in the world?
a) Less than 90
b) Over 300
c) Over 450
Over 300!
Nakakapagpabagabag kapag kinakabag ka
English translation: It is so worrying when you have gastritis
Hawaiians have ____ different words for rain
a) 200
b) 30
C) 80
This language's name is associated with a type of smoked salmon that is popular worldwide
English was the first ever language printed
FALSE! It was German!
There have been this many languages in history
a) 31,000
b) 11,000
c) 25,000
31,000 languages
Wir Wiener Waschweiber würden weiße Wäsche waschen, wenn wir wüssten, wo warmes Wasser wäre.
English translation: We Viennese washerwomen would wash white laundry if we knew where warm water was.
This language is one of the oldest in Europe and it has not been influenced by any other language in existence
Basque, it is a 'language isolate