A king comes to stay at a nobleman's house
What is "Macbeth?"
"Infirm of purpose! Give me the daggers!"
Who is Lady Macbeth?
There is an ancient kingdom called Uruk
What is "Gilgamesh?"
Who is William Shakespeare?
Writing that is so descriptive you can picture it in your mind
What is imagery?
Two "brothers" bathe in the Euphrates river?
What is "Gilgamesh?"
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day
Who is Macbeth?
That Scotland was once at war with England
What is "Macbeth?"
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (original story)
Who is Anonymous?
When a line of poetry is punctuated at the end
What is end stopped?
A young man loses his sandal carrying an old woman across a river
What is "Jason and the Golden Fleece?"
"Thou hast it now and I fear thou played'st most foully for it."
Who is Banquo?
What is "Jason and the Golden Fleece?"
"My love is as a fever, longing still"
Who is William Shakespeare?
When a line of poetry continues to the next line with no punctuation
What is enjambment?
What is "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?"
"All my pretty chickens and their dam at one fell swoop?"
Who is Macduff?
That the constellation Andromeda was once a woman?
What is "Perseus?"
"Gilgamesh" (Translator)
Who is David Ferry?
When an object represents an idea
What is symbolism?
His mother, Danae, tries to prevent him from searching for Medusa
What is "Perseus?"
"'Aroint thee witch,' the rump-fed runyon cried."
Who are the witches?
That King Arthur's knights feasted at a round table
What is "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?"
"Jason and the Golden Fleece" (class version)
Who is Stephen Fry?
Each stanza contains alliteration and ends in a bob and wheel
What is alliterative revival?