Ideas & Facts
Let Me Test Your Memory!
Who said this, who did they say it to, and what text is this from? “There is only one sin. and that is theft... when you tell a lie, you steal someones right to the truth.”
Baba to Amir, The Kite Runner
What is one theme or idea that Housseini wanted readers to get from either The Kite Runner or A Thousand Splendid Suns?
What is a variety of potential responses.
Why did Golding write Lord of the Flies?
To demonstrate what happens to men when they are not forced to adhere to rules of society, such as civility, and demonstrate that it is in human nature for society to decline under such conditions. To show the savage side of humans.
What is the name of Nora's childhood friend in A Doll's House?
Who is Christine Linde?
Who was the first person to die in Lord of the Flies?
Who is the boy (littlun) with the mulberry mark on this face?
Who says this, to whom, and from what text? “What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages?”
Who is Piggy to the boys on the island in Lord of the Flies.
What is the purpose of Bokinovfsky Process and conditioning in Brave New World, and how does this contribute to social stability?
What is to create people who are preconditioned to be in their social classes, and to create a mass group of people who are all alike and perform the same functions. Everyone knows their place, no one questions it, and they are all contributing to the consumeristic nature of their society.
Who wrote A Doll's House?
Who is Henrik Ibsen?
What are some difference between the accounts told by Immaculee Ilibagiza in Left to Tell, and Elie Wiesel in Night?
What is religion, outlook, exposure, etc.?
What color clothing do Deltas wear in Brave New World?
What is khaki?
Who said this, to whom, and from what text? “Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it.”
Who is Lady Macbeth, to Macbeth, in Macbeth?
What does Nora's leaving at the end of A Doll's House represent, and how was this groundbreaking for the time?
It represents her reclaiming her life as a women in the 1800s who has had no say in it whatsoever since birth. It shows women progressing, and is groundbreaking because this is the first time a woman has ever been depicted as "leaving" her home and family without the author having to kill her off.
What does Wiesel say is his purpose for writing Night?
There are a variety of answers from his writing in the preface of Night.
What is Ernest's last name?
What is Rugwizangoga.
What dance does Nora perform at the party in A Doll's House?
What is the tarantella?
Who says this, to whom, and in what text? “All right then," said the savage defiantly, I'm claiming the right to be unhappy."
Who is the savage (John), to Mustapha Mond, in Brave New World.
What is Macbeth's tragic flaw, and what does the play say overall about this quality.
What is over-ambition and "security" (overconfidence)? Variety of messages to be extracted from this...
What is the purpose of the solidarity services in Brave New World?
What is to keep natural urges that are inherent to all human being--their innate human nature--under control.
Who colonized Rwanda, essentially creating the divide between the two groups, Hutus and Tutsis?
Who is Belgium?
What incorrect sentence structure / grammatical error is being shown below: Heavy rain fell throughout the night, by morning every major road was flooded.
What is a comma splice.
Who says this, to whom, and in what text? “You see, there are some people that one loves, and others that perhaps one would rather be with.”
Who is Nora, to Dr. Rank, in A Doll's House.
Explain the ENTIRE significance of the naval officer showing up at the end of Lord of the Flies.
Golding is saying that an adult presence from the "civilized" world was enough to make this children stop behaving savagely and regain civility. However, the officer mocks the boys for what he deems savage, war-like behavior, when he himself is engaging in a war; it just seems okay because it appears civilized. If the adult can stop the kids, who will stop the adults?
From what word of literature did Aldous Huxley get the title from his work Brave New World?
What is The Tempest, by Shakespeare.
Who could be considered "World Controllers" in our society, and why and how?
Who is, GE, ABC/Disney, Newscorp (Fox), Viacom, CBS, and Time Warner. These six companies own 90% of the information we consume.They are conditioning you!
Why is this sentence structure grammatically incorrect, and how can it be fixed? The cow is brown; but not old.
What is incorrect use of a semicolon.