fossil fuels
food chain
Solar power
Characteristics of living and nonliving things

Fossil fuels take over 100 million years to generate. What substance are they processed from?

Dead plants and animals


If we are camping and there is no electrical energy to cook rice, how can we make thermal energy in order to cook?

Get a pot of water, use charcoal and a match to make a fire to cook the rice.


If living organisms of bacteria are living in the cows mouth what type of relationship is this.

It is interdependent. The organisms are depending  on one another to survive.


The rotation of the Earth takes 24 hours how does it have an effect on the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky.

Sun appears to rise in the East and set in the West. 


I have four different types of liquid in the bottle that are mixtures with different densities how do I find out if water is denser?

Add water, let it settle, and identify which liquid floats to the bottom or rises to the top.


How is igneous rock formed?

Compression and compaction


Name an alternate energy that uses water and underground pipes to supply heat to house on cold winter days.

Geothermal energy


Give me an example of a food chain in a swamp between plants (producers), insects (consumers), animals (consumers)

The plants (produce oxygen and energy) are eaten by insects (consumers that provide energy), and insects are eaten by mice. Mice are eaten by hawks and snakes 


At 6:00pm is the Sun in the East or the West. Is it about to set or rise?

WEST. It will set in less than 2 hours


Which characteristics are similar on the Earth and moon?  

Both revolve, have craters, reflect light from the Sun, and do not produce light


Which layer of fossil fuels are the darkest and the richest layer?



Name five items that give off light and sound energy.

Fireworks, TV, alarm clock, video game, computer


In a frogs life cycle they go from a egg, to tadpole (free floating larva), to a small frog (starts crawling), to an adult frog. Name another animal with this life cycle.



How do plants use sunlight, humans and animals to produce food and grow.

Plants use sunlight, used air (carbon dioxide) from humans and animals, green chlorophyll, and water to produce food (sugar) and release oxygen (air).


I have a webbed feet and all I eat is  fish. Where is my habitat (live)?

They live near the lake and river


I have three pots of clay, sand and silt. I put holes in the pot and pour water in the pots of clay, sand, and silt. I want to see how much water will leak from the bottom from the holes.What am I testing?

We are testing the ability of different soils to retain water. It water holding capability depends on the size of the particles.


What type of energy is used to form a valley? 

Mechanical energy of movement 


What is complete metamorphosis? How can insects undergo metamorphosis?

Metamorphosis is when insect change from an egg, to larva, to a juvenile (walking and crawling) insects, to a fully developed adult (insect). A butterfly and a ladybug go through COMPLETE metamorphosis and a grasshopper has an INCOMPLETE metamorphosis.


How is the Sun's energy transferred directly from plants to animals and insects (herbivores)?

The plants uses the Sun as a resource to grow, then animals and insects such as ants, mice, squirrels, skunks, eat the plants to obtain energy from the Sun


Is a bony fish an inherited trait and what is the advantage it has over a fish with no muscles in its tail.

It is an inherited trait that can help it change directions quickly with its fins


Name the first fuel that is renewable and the first used by humans.



What model demonstrates the formation of the grand canyon?

A hammer hitting a rock

Fan blown near a pile of sand

A water faucet flowing through a build up of sediments and rock

A water faucet flowing through a build up of sediment and rock


How does a lily in a pond survive in its environment?

Its broad and wide shape helps it float on top of the water


How does the Sun, ocean, and clouds interact in the water cycle?

The heat from the Sun causes the water to evaporate into gas which it rises then cools and condenses to form a cloud.


I have a pet frog that I feed every morning. It lives in an aquarium that models a lake with lily pads plants that float on top. I feed it with thongs by putting an insect in the lake. My thongs look bent when I put it in the water. Why does it look bent?

When the thongs enters the water, light refracts as it travels through two different mediums. One medium is air and another is water. Water slows light down.
