Shock Spells
What is Shaman
The First Dungeon
What is Ragefire Chasm
This city was known for Boss Kiting
What is Stormwind
These two were the first Raids
What is Onyxia's Lair and Molten Core
The Only Tram goes from Stormwind
What is Iron Forge
Large Weapons, sometimes a shield
What is Warrior
Longest Dungeon in-game
What is Blackrock Depths (20 Bosses)
This person ran in after eating chicken
Who is Leroy Jenkins
This dungeon had the Longest End Boss Survival Time at 154 Days
What is Molten Core
This continent is on the southern side of the world.
What is Pandaria
The Light, with a shield
What is Paladin
The First dungeon that had loot with Set Bonuses
What is the Wailing Caverns
Where Chuck Norris Resided
What is The Barrens Chat
Thane Korth'azz, Lady Blaumeux, Sir Zeliek, and Highlord Mograine was part of this epic group
What is The Four Horsemen
The Horde took the boat in Ratchet to get to this Destination
What is Booty Bay
The Ultimate Sacrifice for Power
What is Warlock
The Number of Bosses that are Murlocs
What is Three, Mutanus The devourer, Cookie, and Gelihast
This musical group featuring an undead and two Tauren frequently Sung Text Shortcuts. The Song was
What is Roflmao
This Raid's Theme was based entirely on a Tournament.
What is the Trial of the Crusader
Including Shadowlands, There are this many worlds you can visit in World of Warcraft.
What is 5, Azeroth, Shadowlands, Outlands, Draenor, and Argus
Right on Target
What is Hunter
This Stone Gathered People
What is the Summoning Stone
This Virtual Debuff was studied by Pandemic Scholars, which became a meme when Corona Virus hit
What is Corrupted Blood
This Raid Featured Stage plays
What is Karazhan
All core races can start in this Zone
What is Exile's Reach