Rules of World of Work
Careers/Jobs/ Business
What is the first rule of World of Work?
The first rule of World of Work is Pay Yourself First.
Where is a good place to save money?
You can save money in a piggy bank or a real bank.
What is a weekly budget?
A weekly budget is a financial plan to decide how much money you are going to spend and what items you are going to buy.
Do you have to have a college degree to start your own business?
No. You may start a business today!
Name two businesses that a kid might start.
Answers will vary.
What is the 2nd rule of work.
The 2nd rule of world of work is WORK AT WHAT YOU LOVE.
You get birthday money or money from graduation, what do you do with it?
Part of our budgeting always includes that some of our money will go to charity. What is charity?
Charity is the giving of money, services, or goods to people or a group so that people will be provided food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical care
We spent a whole class learning about one career. What was that career?
We spen a whole class working on City Planning.
For city planning, businesses are built in what kind of zone?
Businesses are built in commercial zones.
If you're a student starting your own business, name a person besides a friend who can help you get started.
A person who can help you get started is a parent, trusted family member, or a teacher.
Can you have more than 5 savings accounts at the bank?
Yes, you can have as many savings accounts as you want.
Name something that you will find in a Household budget?
Electricity, internet, mortgage/rent, food and SNAP items, etc..
You want to be a deep sea diver, what subjects in school do you need to study?
You need to study math, science, marine biology, physical education, etc....
What does entrepreneur mean?
An entrepreneur is a person - ANY PERSON - who goes into business for themselves. They start restaurants, start hi-tech companies, start schools, and other businesses.
Treating people well is one of our school rules. Why is this a good rule for World of Work? How will treating people well make your business successful.
Treating people well in business means that they will like to do business with you. The more people who do business with you means you will be making more profits.
Banks and piggy banks are good places to keep money. However, why is it better to keep money in the bank?
Most banks are insured and if they lose your money, the FDIC (Federally Insured Deposit Corporation) will pay your money back to you.
You earn $10.00 a week for you allowance. How much do you pay yourself?
You PAY YOURSELF at least 10% of your income. In this case, you pay yourself $1.00 and put that into your savings.
You're thinking about starting a business, what do you do first?
Answer must have something to do with making a plan.
During our city planning class we discussed two different building zones. In what zone can you build houses?
Houses are built in RESIDENTIAL zones. You reside in a home. You live in a home
Your little brother or sister or cousin just got a piggy bank. What do you tell them about saving money.
You explain how and why you pay yourself first.
You go to Costco and buy 24 oranges for $5.00. Then you go to WalMart and you notice that you can buy 15 oranges for $4.00. Which is the better buy?
24 oranges for $5.00 because each orange costs about 20¢. The WalMart bag costs about 27¢ for each orange
How can you save money on buying food for your household budget?
1. Use coupons 2. Shop sales 3. Compare prices 4. Buy in bulk
This has to do with credit in borrowing and lending money. You have a friend who wants to borrow something from you. You notice that he/she does not treat his/her toys very well and often breaks them. They also get dirty. If you lend him/her your toy, do you think he /she will return it in good condition. Why?
Answers will vary.
You are going to be on Shark Tank. Come up with a catchy business name for a business that makes fancy food. This can be a restaurant or a grocery store.
Ms. Van O will decide if it is catchy!!!!!