Diagnostic Safety
Laboratory Diagnostic Safety Errors
Radiology Diagnostic Safety Errors
Preventive Strategies for Reducing Diagnostic Laboratory Errors
Preventive Strategies for Reducing Diagnostic Radiology Errors

What is the first step in the diagnostic workflow?

Initial assessment involves gathering essential information through history and examination.


What type of error occurs when a sample is damaged due to poor handling before it reaches the lab?

Pre-analytical error


What type of radiology error occurs when a radiologist overlooks a minor fracture or an early-stage tumor?

Cognitive error.


How can pre-analytical errors in diagnostic labs be prevented?

By implementing barcoding and electronic order systems, standardizing collection procedures, and educating clinicians on proper test ordering.


How can cognitive errors in radiology be reduced?

By focusing on complex findings, avoiding confusion between normal variants and pathology, and ensuring a thorough search is completed without stopping after finding one abnormality.


What type of diagnostic error occurs when a condition is not recognized, often due to overlooked symptoms or misinterpreted test results?

Missed diagnosis.


Which type of diagnostic error involves equipment malfunctions or reagent issues that affect the accuracy of test results?

Analytical error.


What is an example of a communication error in radiology that can affect patient safety?

Unclear or incomplete reporting of radiology findings or failure to communicate critical results promptly.


What strategy helps minimize analytical errors in diagnostic laboratories?

Regular instrument maintenance, robust quality control procedures, and staff training on interference detection and internal standards.


Mention one strategy to prevent communication errors in radiology.

Implementing standardized reporting templates and clear communication protocols for critical findings.


How do diagnostic errors impact healthcare costs?

Diagnostic errors increase healthcare costs due to extra tests, treatments, and extended hospital stays.


What is an example of a post-analytical error that can delay diagnosis and treatment?

Transcription mistakes or delayed reporting of test results


How can technical and procedural errors occur in radiology?

They can happen due to poor image quality, incorrect imaging protocols, inadequate patient preparation, or equipment malfunctions.


What can be done to reduce post-analytical errors in diagnostic labs?

Automating result verification, using delta checks, having clear protocols for critical values, and regularly educating staff on result interpretation.


How can technical and procedural errors in radiology be prevented?

Through regular equipment maintenance, staff training on imaging techniques, and standardized protocols for patient preparation and procedures.


What are two main factors that contribute to diagnostic errors?

Cognitive factors (e.g., clinician biases, fatigue) and systemic factors (e.g., poor communication, heavy workloads).


How can environmental factors like temperature and humidity affect diagnostic accuracy in laboratories?

They can affect the quality of samples, potentially leading to inaccurate test results.


What is a common cause of workflow and resource management errors in radiology?

High workloads, radiologist shortages, or inefficient systems leading to delays in diagnosis.


How can communication and IT errors in diagnostic labs be prevented?

By using standardized reporting formats, maintaining clear communication protocols, providing IT training, and ensuring regular system maintenance and data backups.


What workflow strategy can help reduce delays in radiology diagnoses?

Implementing efficient case prioritization systems and using teleradiology to balance workloads.


Mention solution to address diagnostic errors through process improvement.

Introducing process changes such as protocols, checklists, and regular reviews to enhance diagnostic accuracy.


Name one communication issue that can lead to delays or misunderstandings in diagnostic processes.

Miscommunication between lab staff and clinicians or IT system errors cause reporting delays.


What type of error occurs when prior radiology studies are not compared and changes or disease progression is missing?

Data management error.


Mention one preventive strategy to avoid environmental errors in diagnostic labs.

Monitoring storage conditions and adhering to preservation guidelines to ensure proper sample quality.


What method can prevent data management errors, such as missing prior studies in radiology?

Using systems that automatically retrieve prior studies and conducting regular audits of data processes.
