Int'l Law
Human Rights
Global Heroes
Alternative Development
This important element of global relations is also the foundation of international law.
What is sovereignty?
This documentation of norms was the foundation of modern human rights law.
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)?
These are a set of individuals and nongovernmental organizations acting in pursuit of a normative objective.
What are Transnational Advocacy Networks?
Actors can help to overcome this by bundling public goods with private goods.
What is the collective action problem?
The key to successful alternative development strategies is to promote the manufacturing of this.
What are exports?
While these are formally negotiated & ratified by states, entrance into these types of agreements is purely voluntary.
What are treaties?
These are rights that cannot be suspended for any reason, including at times of public emergency.
What are non-derogable rights?
These are a subgroup of actors who receive sufficient benefits themselves from the public good, so they are willing to bear the cost of providing that good for everyone.
What are privileged groups?
Otherwise known as common pool resources, these goods are nonexcludable, yet rival because one user’s consumption reduces the amount for others.
What are common property goods?
This country is an excellent example of how a country can promote economic growth by increasing trade first, and then gradually liberalize markets and increase their international finance.
What is China?
This mechanism for creating international law depends on states collectively recognizing certain practices as appropriate such as diplomatic immunity and freedom of the seas.
What are customary int'l laws?
Despite the globalization of human rights some actors still lack third-party advocacy because the international community is largely considered this.
What is a self-help system?
This international organization tries war criminals, but has only reached two decisions in 10 years, neither of which prosecuted world leaders for engaging in war.
What is the International Criminal Court?
Clear rules and observable actions allowed for a 98% compliance with environmental standards in this "dirty industry".
What is oil tanking?
This alternative development strategy is set up through corporate governance by the state where communities collectively own local market based industry.
What are Town and Village Enterprises?
This characteristic of int'l law is the degree to which third parties are given authority over rules. States are usually reluctant to have high levels of this.
What is delegation?
The ICC has been criticized for neglecting to prosecute leaders or actors from these countries.
What are Western Democracies?
This is a process through which NGOs in one state are able to activate transnational linkages to bring pressure from other states on their own governments.
What is the Boomerang Model?
This is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that are responsible for ozone depletion.
What is the Montreal Protocol?
This is a business arrangement in which two or more parties agree to pool their resources for investment purposes, sometimes requiring that one of the members be invested in the national economy of their own host country.
What are Joint Ventures?
International law produces these which are domestic groups with a strong interest in upholding int’l law.
What are compliance constituencies?
ICCPR stands for this and is one-third of the International Bill of Rights.
What is International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights?
TANs utilize this three-stage model of how norms diffuse within a population & achieve a “taken-for-granted” status.
What is the Norms Life Cycle?
These are costs or benefits for stakeholders other than the actors who are responsible for the action.
What are externalities?
Because it is impossible for developing countries to compete without some protections from their state, we say that, "markets and states are complements, not (this).”
What are substitutes?