Israel in History
The Tanakh
Modern Judaism
Divine Creatures

DNA and Genetic studies tell us that Hebrews and Arab Palestinians have been in the land now called Israel since what time period?

the Bronze Age


they are the three fathers of the Jewish nation - the patriarchs. who are they? 

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob


the title Messiah or Christ literally means this in Hebrew. 

anointed one or anointed thing


This race of giants were the result of angels intermarrying with mortal women. The flood wiped them out. 



These are the three Jewish Covenants in the Bible

Abraham, Moses, David


This Egyptian stele dates to 1213-1203 BCE, and is the earliest artifact that testifies to Israel as a people that already are settled into their land. What is this artifact called? 

 The Merneptah Stele


this was the sacred room in the Tabernacle/Temple where the Ark of the Covenant was placed. it was said that the presence of YHWH dwelled in this room. 

The Holy of Holies or the Holiest of All


This Jewish group abandoned Jerusalem and the Temple to live in the Judean wilderness. They wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls to speak of their apocalyptic hope that God would save the righteous someday. What group is this? 

The Essenes


A Roman god related to the Sun - he sprinkles light in the morning sky before the chariot of the sun rides across. Romans identified him with the planet Venus. 



He was the very first king of Israel, anointed by the Prophet and Judge, Samuel. 

King Saul

This sky god of the Midianites, Edomites, Kenites, and Moabites was imported into Israel from the South, the Sinai Peninsula. None of the Mesopotamians had a tradition of worshipping this god. What is the god's name?



In the Bible, what are the two kingdoms in Israel called? (during the Divided Kingdom)

Northern Kingdom of Israel
Southern Kingdom of Judah 


According to the Documentary Hypothesis, these are the three sources of the Torah. What are they?

P - Priestly
D - Deuteronomistic
J & E or Non-P sources 


these Living Creatures have four faces and four wings. they move as a uniform block and pull the throne of God like a chariot drawn by horses. they are also guardians to God's throne. What are they called? 

the Cherubim or Chayot 


Who are the Benei Elohim? 

the Sons of God or the Divine Council 


This artifact from the 9th century BCE provides evidence for an Israel that is moving closer to the exclusive worship of Yahweh. The Moabites now identify Yahweh as an Israelite god. What artifact is this?

The Mesha Stone


In the book of Genesis, what does Abraham call God? What names does he use?

El, Elohim, El Elyon, or El Shaddai


From 132-135 CE the Romans fought a second Jewish War because of a new Messiah, supported by the famous Rabbi Akiva. What was this Messiah's name? 

Simon Bar Kokhba


This human messenger is mentioned in Daniel, receiving worship and everlasting dominion, because he bears the sacred name of God. Jesus referred to himself in this way repeatedly. Who is this?

the Son of Man


After they lost their Temple at Jerusalem to the Romans, what Jewish group reformulated Judaism to revolve around the Torah as it is today, instead of the Temple, Priesthood, or Sacrifices? 

the Rabbis (the Pharisees) 


What literature from Ancient Israel forced the Hebrews to move from their Ancient Near Eastern culture to one that is distinctly Jewish?  

the Torah


What biblical book prescribes the laws for the Jewish Priesthood, the Temple, the sacrifices, and anything having to do with the Jewish religion? 



This a collection of writings that covers Jewish law (Torah) and tradition, and compiled between the 3rd and 6th Centuries. The title literally means "learning" in Hebrew. What is this called? 

the Talmud


These creatures are the wheels on Yahweh's chariot. They are covered in eyes and are described as wheels spinning within wheels while scattering bright shining light. What are these creatures called? 



These are pockets of Jewish communities outside of their actual land, that would form all around the world. Places like New York, Florida, and Los Angeles are modern examples of these communities. What are these communities called?  

the Diaspora
the Jewish Diaspora 
