What eastern European country was partitioned by powerful neighboring countries and regained its independence only after World War I?
United the German territories into one country
The Zollverein was an economic union that led to the unification of what country?
Prime minister of Sardinia who helped unite Italy
What are 3 reasons for nationalism?
1. to escape the control of an oppressive power
2. to justify oppressing others
3. to seek equality for citizens
The Declaration of the Rights of Man was an important document in
First king of united Italy
Emmanuel II
When the Committee of Public Safety gained absolute power, a period of
mass execution began
European forces defeated Napoleon's army at
Leipzig, Germany
Daily Double
What term describes intense devotion and loyalty to one's own people and country?
What did the Third Estate formed?
National Assembly
Napoleon founded the Bank of France to?
stabilize French currency and enhance trade
In what country did Napoleon lose a majority of his men because of enemy soldiers and harsh weather?
July 14 is the day the French celebrate what
their independence
The Risorgimento was a
nationalistic movement in Italy
Belgium rebelled against Dutch authorities because
of religious and economic differences
What was the only political body in France with the authority to reform the nation's tax system?
the Estates-General
King who appointed Bismarck chancellor of Prussia
Wilhelm I
Which nation revolted and obtained independence from the Ottoman Empire with the help of European countries?
What is the name of the committee that led France's revolutionary government?
Committee of Rights of Paris
Which nation controlled and annexed eastern Poland after the congress of Vienna?
Near what Belgian town was Napoleon finally defeated by Prussian and British forces?
French aristocrats and nobles were members of the
Second Estate
What was the name of the five-man committee that governed France just before Napoleon came to power?
the Directory
DAILY DOUBLE !!!!!!!!!!
Name the French writer who endorsed Enlightenment ideas
What contribution did Napoleon make to French law?
Code Napoleon
Queen of France during the French Revolution
Marie Antoinette
Nationalist who founded Young Italy
Name the period of mass execution that occurred during the French Revolution
Reign of Terror
What are 3 things that affected the French Revolution on society?
1. decreased power of the Roman Church
2. secularization of marriage
3. state-controlled education
King of France during the French Revolution
Louis XVI
What 3 reasons were Napoleon was able to seize power?
1. chaos in France
2. his military success
3. the overthrow of the Directory
Against which country did Hungary revolt
Italian nationalist who formed the "Red Shirts"
Army general who became dictator of France