World Cuisines
Famous Landmarks
Cultural Traditions
Travel Facts
Cultural Artifacts

This traditional dish from Trinidad consists of rice and pigeon peas cooked with coconut milk and spices.

What is pelau?


This famous statue in New York was a gift from France and welcomes visitors to the United States.

What is the Statue of Liberty?


This Indian festival, known as the Festival of Lights, celebrates the victory of light over darkness.

What is Diwali?


This Asian country is known for its Buddhist temples, tea plantations, and elephants.

What is Sri Lanka?


This famous Egyptian structure, built as a tomb for a pharaoh, has a recognizable triangular shape.

What is a pyramid?


This South Korean dish consists of fermented vegetables, usually cabbage or radishes, and is a staple in Korean cuisine.

What is kimchi?


This famous bell tower in Italy leans due to unstable foundations, making it a popular tourist attraction.

What is the Leaning Tower of Pisa?


In Mexico, this holiday honors deceased loved ones with colorful altars and offerings.

What is Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)?


This Central American country is known for its rainforests, wildlife, and eco-tourism, with the slogan "Pura Vida."

What is Costa Rica?


This ancient Roman amphitheater, still standing today, hosted gladiatorial contests and public spectacles.

What is the Colosseum?


This dessert from France is a creamy custard topped with a layer of hardened caramel.

What is crème brûlée?


This prehistoric monument made of large stones is located in Wiltshire, England.

What is Stonehenge?


This custom in Spain involves eating twelve grapes at midnight on New Year's Eve for good luck in the coming year.

What is Las Doce Uvas (The Twelve Grapes)?


This country in the Caribbean is known for its steel pan music and Carnival celebrations with colorful costumes.

What is Trinidad and Tobago?


This iconic piece of art, created by Leonardo da Vinci, is famous for its mysterious smile.

What is the Mona Lisa?


This popular Middle Eastern dish is made of ground chickpeas, herbs, and spices, often served in a pita.  

What is falafel?


This iconic palace in India was built by an emperor in memory of his wife and is known as a symbol of love.

What is the Taj Mahal?


This Japanese tradition involves folding paper into decorative shapes, often animals, and is seen as a meditative practice.

What is Origami?


This tropical country in Southeast Asia is famous for its temples, street food, and beaches like Phuket.

What is Thailand?


This colorful woven textile is traditionally made by indigenous communities in Peru and is often used in clothing and accessories.

What is a poncho or a tapestry?


This South American dish consists of a corn dough filled with various ingredients, then wrapped in corn husks and steamed.

What is tamale?


This enormous stone statue in Brazil, overlooking Rio de Janeiro, is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

What is Christ the Redeemer?


In this Greek tradition, people break plates at weddings to symbolize good luck, joy, and the breaking of past troubles.

What is plate smashing?


This Scandinavian country is known for its fjords, Vikings, and is one of the best places to see the Northern Lights.

What is Norway?


This percussion instrument, made from oil drums and originating in Trinidad and Tobago, is known for its bright, melodic sound and is a key element of Caribbean music.

What is a steel pan?
