A union formed between countries for shared benefit. A partnership.
What is an Alliance?
The Prime Minister during WW1
Who is Robert Borden
Name the reasons 4 WW1 started.
What is MAIN. Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism?
One of the treaties that ended the First World War; it put harsh rules on Germany.
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
The Canada joined WW1 in this year.
What is 1914
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire formed this alliance group.
Who were the Axis Powers
France, Great Britain, Russia formed this alliance group.
Who were the Allied Powers.
Poison gas was first used in this battle
What is the 2nd Battle of Ypres?
2nd Bloodiest Battle in World History
What is the Battle of the Somme
An agreement to cease hostilities and stop fighting
What is an armistice?
In order to pay for the war, the Canadian government urged people to buy these.
What are Victory Bonds.
Name of the young men who worked the land when the farmers went to war
Who are the Soldiers of the Soil?
This act made all men 20 to 45 eligible to be drafted into the Canadian military
What is the Military Service Act?
Information produced by governments, presented in such a way as to inspire and spread certain beliefs or opinions to show support in the war effort or harm the war effort.
What is propaganda?
The area of land in between opposing trenches. It is filled with obstacles such as barbed wire and land mines.
What is No Man's Land?
While the men were at war, women were back home working here.
What are factories.
This act gave the Canadian Government ultimate power during the war
What is the War Time Measures Act?
This country was an ally of Germany and Austria-Hungary prior to the war, but ended up fighting against them with the Allies instead.
What is Italy?
Britain sent this many soldiers to help Belgium
What is 100,000?
The British and French failed for months to capture this strategic area
What is Vimy Ridge?
This is person was the original British general in charge of the Canadians
Who is Julian Byng?
A deadlock in which neither side is strong enough to defeat the other. Also, a chess term to describe a player having no legal moves.
What is a stalemate?
This treaty removed Russia from the war
What is Brest-Litovsk?
This was the plan the Germans first used to attack France through Belgium
What is the Schleiffen Plan?
The secret message that was promising German Support to help Mexico claim Texas, Arizona, New Mexico
What is the Zimmerman Telegram